[ot]port 80: how it works? how works web connections? which port use?

[ot]port 80: how it works? how works web connections? which port use?

am 01.11.2006 10:05:21 von _mario.lat

I'm sorry if I'm offtopic but I can't find a better nesgroup to post this

The problem is:
When I connect to a web server I send a request from a port n.x to a port

When the server answer to me? which port use?

Which port are used for hand shaking of comunication with a web server?

Thankyou in advance for the time you'll spend for answering me.

Re: [ot]port 80: how it works? how works web connections? which portuse?

am 02.11.2006 10:19:28 von Joe Smith

_mario.lat wrote:
> Hallo,
> I'm sorry if I'm offtopic but I can't find a better nesgroup to post this
> message.

This is _NOT_ the place to learn about TCP/IP.

> The problem is:
> When I connect to a web server I send a request from a port n.x to a port
> n.80 When the server answer to me? which port use?

Your browser asks the OS for a TCP/IP port. An unused semi-random
port number is assigned in the 1024 to 65535 range. Browser sends
HTTP request to port 80 on the webserver, the response uses the
same return path.

Your_PC_address:assigned_port -> webserver_address:80 "GET /\r\n\r\n"
webserver_address:80 -> Your_PC_address:assigned_port: "200 found\r\n"