MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.0.6 BETA has been released
am 03.11.2006 02:18:15 von Mark Matthews-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Hello ODBC Users,
Connector/ODBC v5.0.6 (the second BETA release) has been released. You
no longer need to have Connector/ODBC 3.51 installed (however this
release can co-exist with a 3.51 installation), as this version now uses
its own setup library unlike prior ALPHA releases.
It is availble for download at
Connector/ODBC 5.0 is meant to be used with MySQL-5.0 and newer, as it
relies on information available in INFORMATION_SCHEMA when fulfilling
requests for metadata.
- -------
MySQL Connector/ODBC is licensed under the GPL or a commercial license
from MySQL AB.
If you have licensed this product under the GPL, please see the COPYING
file for more information.
There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL
as it is applied to this software. View the full text of the
exception in file LICENSE.exceptions in the directory of this
software distribution.
If you have licensed this product under a commercial license from
MySQL AB, please see the file "MySQLEULA.txt" that comes with this
distribution for the terms of the license.
- ------------
1) If you've installed previous versions of Connector/ODBC 5.0, you
must remove all existing DSNs created using the older version of the
driver, and uninstall the driver itself first, using the "uninstall"
batch file provided in the older version of the driver:
C:\mysql-connector-odbc...> uninstall 0 (or uninstall 1 if you installed
a debug version of the driver)
If you don't, you'll have two different versions of the driver listed in
the "ODBC Datasources" section of Control Panel.
2) This (and future versions of the driver) are distributed as standard
Microsoft System Installer (MSI) files. Simply double click on the
downloaded file to install Connector/ODBC 5.0.6.
Current State of Implementation
- -------------------------------
This driver is meant to be used with MySQL-5.0 and newer, as it relies
on information available in INFORMATION_SCHEMA when fulfilling requests
for metadata.
The aim of Version 5.0.6 is to migrate existing users to the new
installer (which will also handle future upgrades), and enable creation
of both User _and_ System DSNs, as well as allow non-standard TCP/IP
ports to be specified in the DSN setup dialog.
Reporting Bugs with this Release
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Please report bugs you find with this release at
For more expedient processing of your Connector/ODBC 5.0 bugs, please
make sure to record the version number with a â5.0â in it so that we
find them quicker when putting together fix lists.
Please include driver and driver-manager traces with your bug reports,
as this helps us isolate the bug much quicker. If your application works
with Connector/ODBC 3.51 but not 5.0, please enclose driver and driver
manager traces from 3.51 as well.
It is also very helpful if you include which version of MDAC and
associated DLLs you are using. Microsoft's MDAC version checker makes
this relatively straightforward. Instructions for installing and running
the MDAC version checker are at
Roadmap for Future Releases
- ---------------------------
Future beta releases will introduce new platforms (the code is written
in a cross-platform manner, we're just working out some small issues,
starting with Linux and then progressing to other Unix platforms).
This beta does have some debug-related code, and is not entirely
optimized (it is sometimes "chattier" with the database server than 3.51
for example), as the first goal was to have something that is written
exactly-to-spec for the ODBC API specification, and "back off" where
testing shows that we can (or need to, in the case with some
applications). Future releases will be more performance-oriented than
the first few beta releases.
- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Connectivity
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