what do PDO::PARAM_STMT behavior?

what do PDO::PARAM_STMT behavior?

am 04.11.2006 06:24:05 von nick.yim

Hello php-db-help,

for the ref cursor, the oci function use
oci_execute($cur);// have to execute

in java mode, the cursor, is return as a ResultSet
ResultSet cur=(ResultSet) stmt.getObject(someIndex);
//not have to execute?

the pdo has the const, what will it do?

1 like $pdo->query();//not have to execute;
2 like $pdo->prepare();//have to execute;
3 or other way? a new cursor/result set class?

i have to do an adapter between oci function, such as oic_connect,
to pdo mode, like new MyPDO('oci:dbname=dbname','user','password');

when the pdo for oracle good for use, i want do replace the driver.
so need to know this.

help me, thanks


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