SQL query question
am 21.11.2006 00:52:27 von danHi, I'm new to PHP so this might be a simple question to answer but I
just need a little help.
So basically I'm querying the database with this simple search SQL
$conn = db_connect();
$result = $conn->query( "SELECT name, url FROM table1 WHERE field1
where db_connect is just the connection to the database.
I want to use the name and url to fill up a table of all the search
results such as below:
echo "
I was just wondering how to get the $result so I can use it to fill up
the table and what type of loop I should use. Thanks!
Re: SQL query question
am 21.11.2006 01:00:59 von danOh yeah, and I'm using MySQL in case you were wondering.
Re: SQL query question
am 21.11.2006 01:22:15 von zac.careyDan wrote:
> Oh yeah, and I'm using MySQL in case you were wondering.