[ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000797 ] Conn. created by ODBCCP32.DLL/SQLConfigDataSource doesn"t take some parame

[ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000797 ] Conn. created by ODBCCP32.DLL/SQLConfigDataSource doesn"t take some parame

am 04.12.2006 18:43:16 von noreply

Bugs item #1000797, was opened at 04/12/2006 17:43
You can respond by visiting:
http://pgfoundry.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=538&aid=10007 97&group_id=1000125

Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Must Informatique (mustinfodev)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Conn. created by ODBCCP32.DLL/SQLConfigDataSource doesn't take some parameters

Initial Comment:

I'm using the ODBCCP32.DLL Windows API to create connexion on the fly (with the function 'SQLConfigDataSource').

The "C" defintion of the function is :
BOOL SQLConfigDataSource(HWND hwndParent,UINT fRequest, LPCSTR lpszDriver, LPCSTR lpszAttributes)
(see : http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/e n-us/odbc/htm/odbcsqlconfigdatasource.asp)

It's working nicely while lpszAttributes contains standard informations like the server name, port and database name.
Though, if I want to change some specific values like MaxLongVarcharSize and
MaxVarcharSize (like setting them to 20.000), it's not registred by the driver.
When I look at the connexion, those 2 still have the default values.

Here is the lpszAttributes content (of course, spaces are replaced by null character and the string is terminated by 2 null characters) :
DRIVER=PostgreSQL Unicode LowerCaseIdentifier=0 UseServerSidePrepare=0 ByteaAsLongVarBinary=0 BI=0 TrueIsMinus1=0 DisallowPremature=0 UpdatableCursors=0 LFConversion=1 ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_ CancelAsFreeStmt=0 Parse=0 BoolsAsChar=1 UnknownsAsLongVarchar=0 TextAsLongVarchar=1 UseDeclareFetch=0 Ksqo=1 Optimizer=1 CommLog=0 Debug=0 MaxLongVarcharSize=9500 MaxVarcharSize=509 UnknownSizes=0 Socket=8192 Fetch=100 ConnSettings= ShowSystemTables=0 RowVersioning=0 ShowOidColumn=0 FakeOidIndex=0 ReadOnly=0 SSLMODE=prefer PORT=5432 SERVER=srv-XXX DATABASE=XXXXXXX

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You can respond by visiting:
http://pgfoundry.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=538&aid=10007 97&group_id=1000125

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