looking for mod 10 script

looking for mod 10 script

am 22.12.2006 18:05:33 von DFS

I'm looking for a mod 10 script that you know to work well. I have googled
and found a few different ones but I would like a 2nd opinion. If you can
please link me to a mod 10 script that you have used/implimented I would
appreciate it.

Ideally I would like a vbscript over javascript so we can have it
implimented on an access db as well.


Re: looking for mod 10 script

am 22.12.2006 19:27:03 von exjxw.hannivoort

Rob wrote on 22 dec 2006 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:

> I'm looking for a mod 10 script

You mean a mod10 function, I think.

If not, what is a mod 10 script?

> that you know to work well. I have
> googled and found a few different ones but I would like a 2nd opinion.
> If you can please link me to a mod 10 script that you have
> used/implimented I would appreciate it.


function mod10function(x){
return x % 10;


function mod10function(x)
mod10function = x mod 10
end function

> Ideally I would like a vbscript over javascript so we can have it
> implimented on an access db as well.

"vbscript over javascript" what is that?

Can you implement that on a database, a database being only storage?

Who is "we", ideally?

The Netherlands.
(Please change the x'es to dots in my emailaddress)

Re: looking for mod 10 script

am 22.12.2006 20:12:25 von Stefan Berglund

On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 09:05:33 -0800, "Rob" wrote:

>I'm looking for a mod 10 script that you know to work well. I have googled
>and found a few different ones but I would like a 2nd opinion. If you can
>please link me to a mod 10 script that you have used/implimented I would
>appreciate it.
>Ideally I would like a vbscript over javascript so we can have it
>implimented on an access db as well.

The best article I found on that subject is still available here:


And here is a VBScript version of that.

<%Const CARD_TYPE_MC = 0
Const CARD_TYPE_VS = 1
Const CARD_TYPE_AX = 2
Const CARD_TYPE_DC = 3
Const CARD_TYPE_DS = 4
Const CARD_TYPE_JC = 5

Dim msCCName, msCCType, msCCNumber, msCCExpMonth, msCCExpYear

Function Mod10(sNumber)

Dim CardNumber: CardNumber = StrReverse(sNumber)
Dim NumberSum: NumberSum = 0

Dim lngN
For lngN = 1 To Len(CardNumber)
Dim CurrentNumber: CurrentNumber = Mid(CardNumber, lngN, 1)

' Double every second digit
If (lngN Mod 2 = 0) Then CurrentNumber = CurrentNumber * 2

' Add digits of 2-digit numbers together
If (CurrentNumber > 9) Then
Dim FirstNumber: FirstNumber = CurrentNumber Mod 10
Dim SecondNumber: SecondNumber = (CurrentNumber - FirstNumber) / 10
CurrentNumber = FirstNumber + SecondNumber
End If

NumberSum = NumberSum + CurrentNumber

Mod10 = ((NumberSum Mod 10) = 0)

End Function

Function ValidateCreditCard(CCName, CCType, CCNumber, CCExpMonth, CCExpYear)

' http://www.sitepoint.com/print/card-validation-class-php
'* Mastercard: Must have a prefix of 51 to 55, and must be 16 digits in length.
'* Visa: Must have a prefix of 4, and must be either 13 or 16 digits in length.
'* American Express: Must have a prefix of 34 or 37, and must be 15 digits in length.
'* Diners Club: Must have a prefix of 300 to 305, 36, or 38, and must be 14 digits in length.
'* Discover: Must have a prefix of 6011, and must be 16 digits in length.
'* JCB: Must have a prefix of 3, 1800, or 2131, and must be either 15 or 16 digits in length.

ValidateCreditCard = False
If ((Len(CCName) = 0) Or (Len(CCType) = 0) Or (Len(CCNumber) = 0) Or (Len(CCExpMonth) = 0) Or (Len(CCExpYear) = 0)) Then Exit Function
msCCName = CCName

Select Case LCase(CCType)
Case "mc":
Case "mastercard":
Case "m":
Case "1":

Case "vs":
Case "visa":
Case "v":
Case "2":

Case "ax":
Case "american express":
Case "a":
Case "3":

Case "dc":
Case "diners club":
Case "4":

Case "ds":
Case "discover":
Case "5":

Case "jc":
Case "jcb":
Case "6":

Case Else
Exit Function
End Select

Dim regEx: Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "[^0-9]"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
msCCNumber = regEx.Replace(CCNumber, "")

Dim CurrentYear: CurrentYear = Year(Now())
If ((Len(msCCNumber) = 0) Or (CCExpMonth < 1) Or (CCExpMonth > 12) Or (CCExpYear < CurrentYear) Or (CCExpYear > (CurrentYear + 10))) Then Exit Function
msCCExpMonth = CCExpMonth
msCCExpYear = CCExpYear

Select Case msCCType
Dim ValidFormat: ValidFormat = "^5[1-5][0-9]{14}$"

ValidFormat = "^4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?$"

ValidFormat = "^3[47][0-9]{13}$"

ValidFormat = "^3(0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}$"

ValidFormat = "^6011[0-9]{12}$"

ValidFormat = "^(3[0-9]{4}|2131|1800)[0-9]{11}$"

Case Else:
ValidFormat = False
End Select
regEx.Pattern = ValidFormat
ValidateCreditCard = regEx.Test(msCCNumber) And Mod10(msCCNumber)

End Function%>

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and no guarantees either express or implied.

Stefan Berglund