odbc connectionm problem
am 20.01.2007 23:57:04 von Jason Koch--0-1844460914-1169333824=:60920
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I have mysql from godaddy.com. I have installed odbc 3.51.12 but cannot con=
nect.=0A =0AHere are my Connector/ODBC settings:=0ADate Source Name: shelby=
72=0AServer: mysql139.secureserver.net=0A =0A =0ABelow is the sample config=
uration from godaddy.com if I was connecting to MySQL Database using PHP.=
=0A =0A =0AMySQL Server Database Connection Settings =0A =0ADescription:=0A=
=0A This example describes using PHP to connect to a MySQL Database on a L=
inux hosting account.=0A
39.secureserver.net";=0A$username=3D"shelby72";=0A$password= 3D"your_passwor=
d";=0A$dbname=3D"shelby72";=0A$usertable=3D"your_tablename"; =0A$yourfield =
=3D "your_field";=0Amysql_connect($hostname,$username, $password) OR DIE ("=
Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.");=0Amysql_select_db=
($dbname);=0A$query =3D "SELECT * FROM $usertable";=0A$result =3D mysql_que=
ry($query);=0Aif($result) {=0A while($row =3D mysql_fetch_array($result)=
){=0A $name =3D $row["$yourfield"];=0A echo "Name: ".$name;=
=0A }=0A}=0A?>
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