Extending Parse::Yapp with new functionalities
am 06.02.2007 13:29:58 von CasianoVersion 1.06600 of Parse::Eyapp have been released.
Parse::Eyapp (Extended yapp) is a collection of modules
that extends Francois Desarmenien Parse::Yapp 1.05.
Eyapp extends yacc/yapp syntax with
functionalities like
* Named attributes,
* EBNF-like expressions (via *, + and ? operators),
* Modifiable default action,
* Automatic syntax tree building,
* Semi-automatic abstract syntax tree building,
* Translation schemes (like in the Dragon's book on Compilers),
* Tree transformations via a language that mimics ordinary regular
but works on trees instead of strings.
* Support for Nested Scope Analysis,
* Facilities to build directed acyclic graphs instead of Trees.
If you like yacc/yapp and Perl you'll find Parse::Eyapp is for you.
Casiano Rodriguez-Leon