Multiple Selectionsam 08.02.2007 03:33:46 von jjuan I have a multiple dropdown which have multiple selection. If I select multiple value on my multiple dropdown list and submit it,how can i write it on the tblotherlang sample code <% qryNCDesc = "SELECT MultiLanguageID, MultiLanguageDesc FROM tbllang" Set rstNCDesc = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") qryNCDesc, cndpr %> <% Do While NOT rstNCDesc.EOF %> value="<%=rstNCDesc.Fields("MultiLanguageID").Value%>"><%=rstNCDesc.Fields("MultiLanguageDesc").Value%> <% rstNCDesc.MoveNext Loop %> I have this three table: tbllang MultiLanguageID LanguageDesc 1 Filipino 2 English 3 Japanese tblmain NameID name language MultiLanguage 1 Joan Filipino a 2 Katrina English 3 Kristine Japanese a tblotherlang OtherLangID OthernameID othermultilaguange 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 1 How can i insert the value on tblotherlang.othernameID and tblotherlang.othermultilanguage? Please help! THANKS