php help...

php help...

am 09.02.2007 18:42:36 von stjepko

I have code like this one. And and need to ORDER by rednibr ASC. Please how?
------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------

$sqlpodartikli = "SELECT * FROM podartikli WHERE artiklid=".$row[id];
$result2 = mysql_query($sqlpodartikli);
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

Re: php help...

am 09.02.2007 19:05:00 von Shion

stjepko wrote:
> I have code like this one. And and need to ORDER by rednibr ASC. Please how?
> tnx
> ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------
> >

/* Modify query for ORDER */
$sqlpodartikli = "SELECT * FROM podartikli WHERE artiklid=".$row[id]." ORDER
by rednibr ASC";

> $result2 = mysql_query($sqlpodartikli);
> if($result2)
> {
> while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
> {
> ?>
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

Take a couple of hours of sleep and continue work on your php-script when you
feel fresh again.

