Announce: Commons Fileupload 1.2
am 21.02.2007 20:40:10 von Jochen WiedmannHi,
the Jakarta Commons team is glad to announce the availability of
commons-fileupload 1.2. Commons Fileupload is a framework for handling
HTTP file upload requests in servlets, portlets, and similar server
side Java applications.
Compared to the previous version 1.1.1, the following notable changes
have been made:
- A streaming API has been added. The streaming API allows to handle arbitrarily
large files without intermediary files while still keeping an
extremely low memory
- The presence of a content-length header is no longer required.
- Added support for progress listeners.
- Added support for header continuation lines.
- Added support for limiting the actual file size, as opposed to the
request size.
Commons Fileupload 1.2 is available from ileupload.cgi
Jochen Wiedmann