mysql text type

mysql text type

am 21.02.2007 15:22:19 von yakuza


which one is the best for use for performance and storage -


Re: mysql text type

am 21.02.2007 15:51:07 von Shion

akuza wrote:
> hi
> which one is the best for use for performance and storage -

Depends on what you want to store, just standard text, then go with TEXT, but
if you want to store images, binaries then go with BLOB.



Re: mysql text type

am 21.02.2007 19:29:08 von unknown

Post removed (X-No-Archive: yes)

Re: mysql text type

am 22.02.2007 12:28:58 von yakuza

The text i will be storing will be over 500 characters with no images
so i think text sounds good to me.

thanx guys for your answers.

Re: mysql text type

am 24.02.2007 03:12:30 von Shion

عرب زواج wrote:
> بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

God don't understand SQL, he still tries to manage to write arabic and the
girls you are selling, I hope they will outlive the men they are forced to marry.

