password value

password value

am 27.02.2007 06:27:56 von littleboyblu87

I'm trying to install a php script that uses mysql. The problem is
that the php config file asks for my database password and I don't
have one because it's not required for the database. So now I'm
getting an error that all variables in the config php must have a
value. So what do I put for my password if I don't have/need a

Re: password value

am 27.02.2007 08:15:46 von Shion

Mike S. wrote:
> I'm trying to install a php script that uses mysql. The problem is
> that the php config file asks for my database password and I don't
> have one because it's not required for the database. So now I'm
> getting an error that all variables in the config php must have a
> value. So what do I put for my password if I don't have/need a
> password?




Re: password value

am 27.02.2007 14:01:56 von Christoph Burschka

Mike S. wrote:
> I'm trying to install a php script that uses mysql. The problem is
> that the php config file asks for my database password and I don't
> have one because it's not required for the database. So now I'm
> getting an error that all variables in the config php must have a
> value. So what do I put for my password if I don't have/need a
> password?

Seriously, you should set a password. Regardless of how secure the
environment is, some things just aren't done, and leaving a database
server without password protection is one of them...
