error 800a0cb3: adLockPessimistic vs. adLockReadOnly

error 800a0cb3: adLockPessimistic vs. adLockReadOnly

am 01.03.2007 22:58:17 von Vanessa


I have a long story, so please bear with me. Sorry~

Our web server and SQL server are located at the same machine (don’t ask
why…..), and we are working on separating them recently. First our IT people
are going to move everything (both web and SQL server) to a new machine, then
clean up the original machine, and finally move just the web server back to
the original machine and finish the process.

Here is some SPEC of our new machine:
3.0 GHz Xeon Processor
4 GB of ram
IIS 6.0
SQL 2000 with SP3

However, we encounter problems right now at step 1 at the testing stage.
Our ASP scripts are working fine at the current server. But when we perform
testing on the new server, the ASPs are not working with following error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'
Current Recordset does not support bookmarks. This may be a limitation of
the provider or of the selected cursortype.

The scripts are just copied directly from the current server to the new
server (of course, the data source name is updated). Here is the sample


if page="" or not isNumeric(page) then page=1

iPageSize = 30

connectWord = "N"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM CSheetDtl"

Set DataRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
DataRec.PageSize = iPageSize
DataRec.CacheSize = iPageSize
DataRec.Open strSQL, DataConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText
iPageCount = DataRec.PageCount
if iPageCurrent > iPageCount then iPageCurrent = iPageCount
if iPageCurrent < 1 then iPageCurrent = 1

if not iPageCount = 0 then
DataRec.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent  ERROR SHOWS ON THIS LINE

iRecordsShown = 0

Do While iRecordsShown < iPageSize And Not DataRec.EOF

iRecordsShown = iRecordsShown + 1
if iColumn mod 2 = 0 then
end if

response.write "No record found."
end if

Set DataRec = Nothing

Where DatabaseLink.asp defines set of variables and DataConn:

Const strConn = "Provider=sqloledb;Initial Catalog=AAAA; User ID=BBBB;
Password=CCCC;data source=database"
Set DataConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DataConn.Open strConn

And UserValidate.asp is just checking user login.

After struggling for couple days, I figured out how to resolve the problem.
I changed adLockPessimistic to adLockReadOnly and it works!

Therefore, my question is – is that some setting on the SQL server or web
server side that my IT need to set in order to support this type of calling?
Cause we are using adLockPessimistic at our current server and it is working
just fine.

Thanks so much for reading this!

Re: error 800a0cb3: adLockPessimistic vs. adLockReadOnly

am 02.03.2007 14:00:41 von Dave Anderson

Vanessa wrote:
> IIS 6.0
> SQL 2000 with SP3
> question is - is that some setting on the SQL server or
> web server side that my IT need to set in order to support
> this type of calling? Cause we are using adLockPessimistic at
> our current server and it is working just fine.

Sounds more like an ADO version issue, based on the message you describe.
You don't say so, but it sounds like you are moving from an earlier server
OS, so the ADO/MDAC versions almost certainly changed.

Dave Anderson

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ID CSheet_ID
<%=Datarec("ID")%> <%=Datarec("CSheet_ID")%>