i can"t connect to postgresql with VFP 8

i can"t connect to postgresql with VFP 8

am 04.03.2007 13:09:18 von ionut ichim

I want to try postgresql with VFP 8 sp1 but i can't connect to new created
I've installed pq + odbc driver. With pgAdminIII, i connect to my database
using password '123456' and default user 'postgres',default port 5432 ,but
with VFP i can't.Connection is a local one
This is the code I use (it always gives me 'Couldn't connect to the
database!') :

Local lnConn
lnConn =
SQLSTRINGCONNECT([Driver={PostgreSQL};Server=;Port= 5432;Database=persoane;Uid=postgres;Pwd=123456])
If lnConn < 0
MessageBox( "Couldn't connect to the database !" )
MessageBox( "OK !" )
=SQLDisconnect( lnConn )


Thanks !

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