help with dadabik pull down from foreing key
am 09.03.2007 20:01:53 von joe
hello. I have a table with table1id and table1value fields. table1id
is a foreign key in table2. I want
to have the values in table1 table1value field show in the form for
table2 as a pull down menu.
Something like table1 is the cars table it has car brand, price, year,
color. I have another table with the colors colorid=b1
colorname='blue sky' and I want the colors to show up like a pull down
menu in the form for table cars. Does anyone know how to do this? or
is there some infor on the web on what to add in the internal table
manager? thanks.
Re: help with dadabik pull down from foreing key
am 09.03.2007 20:11:40 von Rik
joe wrote:
> hello. I have a table with table1id and table1value fields. table1id=
> is a foreign key in table2. I want
> to have the values in table1 table1value field show in the form for
> table2 as a pull down menu.
> Something like table1 is the cars table it has car brand, price, year,=
> color. I have another table with the colors colorid=3Db1
> colorname=3D'blue sky' and I want the colors to show up like a pull do=
> menu in the form for table cars. Does anyone know how to do this? or
> is there some infor on the web on what to add in the internal table
> manager? thanks.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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