OID (Oracle Internet Directory) connection from ASP classic

OID (Oracle Internet Directory) connection from ASP classic

am 13.03.2007 10:42:40 von dvd

i'm trying to do a connection to OID with a ASP (classic) web
application, but connection doesn't work.

Connection is opened with this script:

Set ConnLdap = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ConnLdap.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
ConnLdap.Open "ADs Provider", userLDAP, passwordLDAP

userLDAP and passwordLDAP are access information.

Query code is as follow:

SQLStmt = "SELECT uid " & _
" FROM 'LDAP://" & nodeLDAP & ":" & portLDAP & "/" &
& "' " & _
" WHERE uid='" & sessionID & "'"

then with parameters it is:

SELECT uid FROM 'LDAP://IP_OID:389/o=xxx.xxxx.it' WHERE uid='myID'

Query is executed with this command:

Set rs = ConnLdap.Execute(SQLStmt)

If I have a print screnn of ConnLdap, it is as follow:

Provider=ADsDSOObject;Password=XXXXXXX;User ID="cn=XXXXXXX";Encrypt
Password=False;Data Source=ADs Provider;Mode=Read;Bind Flags=0;ADSI

but rs is NULL!!!

The same query was working with a different version of LDAP, not
Oracle. Do you know if I have to use a different connection string or
provider for OID?

Thanks a lot.