Yahoo groups and yahoo mail

Yahoo groups and yahoo mail

am 27.03.2007 21:33:21 von Nobody

I am a member of many Yahoo groups and have always chosen to have
messages from those groups sent to one or other of my email accounts
(NOT at yahoo), from which I then retrieve mail using Mozilla or
Thunderbird, which filters them into various group-specific folders AND
deals with what *I* consider to be SPAM in the way I choose.

For a long time I was using email addresses, but AT&T kept
"bouncing" messages because they were allegedly SPAM, whereupon Yahoo
stopped sending further messages to that address. The only remedy was --
once I noticed that I wasn't getting any Yahoo groups messages (and that
could take a while) -- to go through Yahoo's "reactivate email address"
procedure, but in the meantime I could have missed messages in an
important discussion.

I then changed to Charter. Eveerythign started OK, but now Charter has
started "bouncing" messages just as AT&T did. Chartere explicitly says
that it is not possible to create a "white list."

Am I correct in assuming that, if I use a POP-accessible (non-free)
Yahoo mail account, all messages from Yahoo groups will be delivered
without interference? I can't find any information about this on the
Yahoo web site -- or any way of asking the question there.


Re: Yahoo groups and yahoo mail

am 04.05.2007 21:13:51 von Frank Slootweg

[Late response due to extended absence.]

[Since you didn't get any (posted) response.]

Percival P. Cassidy wrote:

> Am I correct in assuming that, if I use a POP-accessible (non-free)
> Yahoo mail account, all messages from Yahoo groups will be delivered
> without interference?

I assume so and you don't need a non-free Yahoo mail account because
you can use YPOPs! [1] with a free account.

FWIW, this is the exact same setup that I'm using for Yahoo groups,
i.e. a free Yahoo mail account with YPOPs!.
