PHP 4.4.6-win32 with MySQL 4.1.22
am 15.04.2007 01:07:00 von longhorn4083
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Re: PHP 4.4.6-win32 with MySQL 4.1.22
am 15.04.2007 12:42:22 von Edin Kadribasic
Hey Angel,
This might be what you're looking for:
On Apr 15, 2007, at 1:07 AM, Ðнгел =
Ð¥ÑаниÑÐµÐ»Ñ wrote:
> Hello!
> At once I wish to apologize, if not there has written. Please, help =20=
> if it
> probably essence of my problem with that that: I use, PHP 4.4.6 + =20
> 4.1.22 and me it would be desirable to update library libmysql.lib =20
> on newer.
> I tried to compile PHP from newer library, but there were mistakes,
> therefore to compile has not turned out. The documentation on how =20
> it is
> possible to replace standard library on newer to find it was not =20
> possible.
> Therefore I ask the help from you. Prompt, please, as it is =20
> possible to
> embody conceived in a reality. I have found binary files of the given
> combination but, I need to make not only therefore I compile it PHP =20=
> for
> Windows independently. Unique my problem that I cannot update =20
> libmysql.lib.
> Help, please. â=A6 Excuse, for mistakes I badly know English =
> In advance thanks!
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Re: PHP 4.4.6-win32 with MySQL 4.1.22
am 22.04.2007 20:18:01 von longhorn4083
Thanks, for binary files. But to me binary files are not necessary to me is
necessary Source code. You can share the ?
In advance thanks.
Hey Angel,
This might be what you're looking for:
On Apr 15, 2007, at 1:07 AM, áÎÇÅÌ èÒÁÎÉÔÅÌØ wrote:
> Hello!
> At once I wish to apologize, if not there has written. Please, help if it
> probably essence of my problem with that that: I use, PHP 4.4.6 + MySQL
> 4.1.22 and me it would be desirable to update library libmysql.lib on
> newer.
> I tried to compile PHP from newer library, but there were mistakes,
> therefore to compile has not turned out. The documentation on how it is
> possible to replace standard library on newer to find it was not
> possible.
> Therefore I ask the help from you. Prompt, please, as it is possible to
> embody conceived in a reality. I have found binary files of the given
> combination but, I need to make not only therefore I compile it PHP for
> Windows independently. Unique my problem that I cannot update
> libmysql.lib.
> Help, please. : Excuse, for mistakes I badly know English language.
> In advance thanks!
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