Configure signatures only on external email messages
am 23.04.2007 10:54:26 von anais.virtHello
I am in the middle of configuring nice email system based on Courier
IMAP, postfix, spamassassin, ClamAV etc... and SquirrelMail. Before
that I was using Zimbra for all my email server needs. The
configuration is "virtual users" type. I am wondering is it possible
to somehow configure signatures only on external email messages. I.e.
if one users sends mail to the user in the same domain, then the
signature would not be attached (or would be different), but when the
same users sends email to an external client, the signature would be
attached by default. Where I can start to get more information about
that. I've already checked SquirellMail documentation, procmail docs
and postfix. I have not found anything about setting up signatures. If
anyone know what should I read/do to achieve this, it would be great!
Thank you