Return an Array that contains only the diffrent items from 2 arrays

Return an Array that contains only the diffrent items from 2 arrays

am 26.04.2007 17:42:18 von Erv

' Return item that are NOT duplicated in either array
function ShowDiff(array1, array2)
dim d, item, thekeys, build_arr

' Build Array - a command that will be Execute
build_arr = "anArray = ARRAY("

' Loop through the first array, add to output
for x = lbound(array1) to ubound(array1)
build_arr = build_arr & "array1(" & x & "), "

' Loop through the second array, add to output
for y = lbound(array2) to ubound(array2)
build_arr = build_arr & "array2(" & y & "), "

' Cleanup last comma
build_arr = left(build_arr, len(build_arr) - 2)
build_arr = build_arr & " )"

' Excute the build statement
execute build_arr

' Show differences
set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d.CompareMode = 0
for each item in anArray
if not d.Exists(item) then
d.Add item, item
d.Remove item
end if
thekeys = d.keys
set d = nothing
ShowDiff = thekeys
end function

Re: Return an Array that contains only the diffrent items from 2 arrays

am 26.04.2007 18:07:33 von reb01501

Erv wrote:
> <%
> ' Return item that are NOT duplicated in either array
> function ShowDiff(array1, array2)
> dim d, item, thekeys, build_arr
> ' Build Array - a command that will be Execute
> build_arr = "anArray = ARRAY("

You expect us to embrace a script that uses Execute to execute a
Give it some thought. I'm sure you can come up with a way to avoid

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