LOG Explorer

LOG Explorer

am 27.04.2007 02:47:46 von ing.edmundo

Hello there... I had an intrusion into my DB and I'd like to analize
the log looking for the moment and the IP the modification was.

Does anyone know about free software for this?

Thank you.

Re: LOG Explorer

am 27.04.2007 23:48:22 von Erland Sommarskog

ing.edmundo (ing.edmundo@gmail.com) writes:
> Hello there... I had an intrusion into my DB and I'd like to analize
> the log looking for the moment and the IP the modification was.

I would not expect to find the IP address in the transaction log. After
all, the purpose of the transaction log is make it possible to roll
transactions back or forward.

> Does anyone know about free software for this?

I don't know of any free log readers, but maybe some vendors offer
evaluation copies. The two I know on the top of my head are Log Explorer
from Lumgient (www.lumgient.com) and Log PI (www.logpi.com).

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel@sommarskog.se

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Re: LOG Explorer

am 01.05.2007 19:28:29 von PBsoft

> Log Explorer from Lumgient (www.lumgient.com)

Lumigent (www.lumigent.com)

PBsoft di Gabriele Bertolucci