DB Record As Comma Delimited String
am 27.04.2007 17:19:27 von rn5a
A MS_Access DB table has 3 columns - ID, UID & Location. ID is an
AutoNumber column, UID is a foreign key (the primary key UID column
resides in another table). Each UID can have multiple entries under
the Location column something like this:
UID Location
2 China
2 Japan
2 Austria
2 India
2 Denmark
3 UK
3 Korea
I want an ASP page to retrieve the above records based on the UID. For
e.g. if the UIO is 2, then China, Japan, Austria, India & Denmark
should be retrieved but I don't want the ASP page to display the
records in the same way as the DB table displays. Rather I want the
records to be displayed on the ASP page like this (assuming that
2 - China, Japan, Austria, India, Denmark
If UID=3, then the ASP page should display the records like this:
3 - USA, UK, Korea
How do I implement this?
Re: DB Record As Comma Delimited String
am 27.04.2007 17:57:50 von reb01501
rn5a@rediffmail.com wrote:
> A MS_Access DB table has 3 columns - ID, UID & Location. ID is an
> AutoNumber column, UID is a foreign key (the primary key UID column
> resides in another table). Each UID can have multiple entries under
> the Location column something like this:
> ---------------------------
> UID Location
> ---------------------------
> 2 China
> 2 Japan
> 2 Austria
> 2 India
> 2 Denmark
> 3 USA
> 3 UK
> 3 Korea
> ---------------------------
> I want an ASP page to retrieve the above records based on the UID. For
> e.g. if the UIO is 2, then China, Japan, Austria, India & Denmark
> should be retrieved but I don't want the ASP page to display the
> records in the same way as the DB table displays. Rather I want the
> records to be displayed on the ASP page like this (assuming that
> UID=2)
> ---------------------------
> 2 - China, Japan, Austria, India, Denmark
> ---------------------------
> If UID=3, then the ASP page should display the records like this:
> ---------------------------
> 3 - USA, UK, Korea
> ---------------------------
> How do I implement this?
dim cn, cmd, rs, sSQL,sHTML,uid
uid=2 'you will probably get this value from request
sHTML = uid & " - "
set cn=createobject("adodb.connection")
cn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & _
"data source=p:\ath\to\database.mdb"
sSQL="select Location From tablename " & _
"where UID=?"
set cmd=createobject("adodb.command")
with cmd
set .activeconnection=cn
.commandtype=1 'adCmdText
end with
set rs=cmd.execute(,array(uid))
if not rs=nothing then
sHTML = sHTML & rs.getstring(2,,, ", ")
end if
rs.close:set rs= nothing
cn.close:set cn=nothing
response.write sHTML
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