help with a simple ODBC program

help with a simple ODBC program

am 01.05.2007 15:57:21 von Patrick Galbraith

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Hi all,

I'm working on a federated odbc storage engine, and was having problems
fetching results of a 'show table status'. I have one main odbc database
handle in the storage engine, and then allocate and free statement
handles for whatever calls I need to make. One of the storage engine
methods, "::info", does a 'show table status like 'tablename'". I kept
banging my head with the code segfaulting on fetching result sets, and
didn't know if it was something to do with the way I allocate memory in
the storage engine, so I decided to remove the problem into a simpler
piece of code.

The code as far as I could tell, should work. What I did next was just
to write a simple C program that does just one simple show table status
call. It worked when I had the statement allocation and fetching all in
"main", but when I tried to see if having statement allocation in a
different function (one that simply takes an sql query and runs it) it
segfaults in the part of the program that iterates through the columns
of the result set. Everything works up to the point where my program
reports the number of columns, but then segfaults on any subsequent call
such as SQLColAttribute or SQLGetData. I can't figure it out. It makes
no sense. The loop that does all this worked perfectly when in the same
function (main) as the rest of the program setup.

I'm attaching this program that I wrote for anyone who would like to
help me with this. I would appreciate any help, in advance, that anyone
can please give!

Kind regards,


Patrick Galbraith, Senior Programmer
Grazr - Easy feed grazing and sharing

Satyam Eva Jayate - Truth Alone Triumphs
Mundaka Upanishad

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env= malloc(sizeof(SQLHENV));
dbc= malloc(sizeof(SQLHDBC));
SQLRETURN function_result;
SQLINTEGER odbc_err;
char msg[200];
char sql_stat[10]; // Status SQL

/* Allocate an environment handle */
/* We want ODBC 3 support */
SQLSetEnvAttr(*env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
/* Allocate a connection handle */
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, *env, dbc);
/* Connect to the DSN mydsn */
/* You will need to change mydsn to one you have created and tested */
function_result= SQLDriverConnect(*dbc, (void *)1, "Driver=myodbc3;Server=localhost;Database=federated_odbc;Por t=5555;socket=/tmp/mysql-5555.sock;Option=3;UID=root", SQL_NTS,

if ((function_result != SQL_SUCCESS) &&
(function_result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
printf("Unable to connect, Damnit!\n");
SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, *dbc,1,
sql_stat, &odbc_err,msg,100,&mlen);
printf("%s (%d)\n",msg,odbc_err);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, *env);
run_sql("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 't1'");

int run_sql(char *query)
SQLHSTMT stmt= malloc(sizeof(SQLHSTMT));
SQLRETURN function_result;
SQLSMALLINT mlen,columns;
SQLINTEGER odbc_err,row=0;
char msg[200];
char sql_stat[10]; // Status SQL
printf("QUERY %s\n", query);

/* Allocate a statement handle */
function_result= SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, *dbc, stmt);
printf("function_result from alloc of stmt %d\n", (int) function_result);
/* Retrieve a list of tables */
//SQLTables(stmt, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "TABLE", SQL_NTS);
function_result= SQLExecDirect(*stmt, query, SQL_NTS);
if (function_result != SQL_ERROR)
printf("SQLExecDirect function_result %d\n", (int) function_result);
printf("SQLExecDirect error function_result %d\n", (int) function_result);

/* How many columns are there */
SQLNumResultCols(*stmt, &columns);
printf("SQLNumResultCols returned %d\n", function_result);
printf("total columns %d\n", columns);
/* Loop through the rows in the result-set */
while (SQL_SUCCEEDED(function_result = SQLFetch(*stmt))) {
printf("Row %d stmt %lx\n", row++, stmt);
/* Loop through the columns */
for (i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
SQLINTEGER indicator;
char buf[1024];

/* retrieve column data as a string */
function_result= SQLGetData(*stmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR,
buf, sizeof(buf), &indicator);
if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(function_result)) {
/* Handle null columns */
if (indicator == SQL_NULL_DATA)
strcpy(buf, "NULL");
*len= 0;
if (!strlen(buf))
*len= 0;
printf(" Column %u : %s length %d\n", i, buf, (int)*len);

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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Re: help with a simple ODBC program

am 01.05.2007 16:10:51 von Martin Evans

Patrick Galbraith wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on a federated odbc storage engine, and was having problems
> fetching results of a 'show table status'. I have one main odbc database
> handle in the storage engine, and then allocate and free statement
> handles for whatever calls I need to make. One of the storage engine
> methods, "::info", does a 'show table status like 'tablename'". I kept
> banging my head with the code segfaulting on fetching result sets, and
> didn't know if it was something to do with the way I allocate memory in
> the storage engine, so I decided to remove the problem into a simpler
> piece of code.
> The code as far as I could tell, should work. What I did next was just
> to write a simple C program that does just one simple show table status
> call. It worked when I had the statement allocation and fetching all in
> "main", but when I tried to see if having statement allocation in a
> different function (one that simply takes an sql query and runs it) it
> segfaults in the part of the program that iterates through the columns
> of the result set. Everything works up to the point where my program
> reports the number of columns, but then segfaults on any subsequent call
> such as SQLColAttribute or SQLGetData. I can't figure it out. It makes
> no sense. The loop that does all this worked perfectly when in the same
> function (main) as the rest of the program setup.
> I'm attaching this program that I wrote for anyone who would like to
> help me with this. I would appreciate any help, in advance, that anyone
> can please give!
> Kind regards,
> Patrick

NOTE: I have no continued your cc list, I don't know who those people are.

I will attempt to find a few moments to look it over but in the mean
time why don't you run valgrind on it.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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Re: help with a simple ODBC program

am 01.05.2007 16:24:56 von Jess Balint

On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 09:57:21AM -0400, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
> I'm attaching this program that I wrote for anyone who would like to
> help me with this. I would appreciate any help, in advance, that anyone
> can please give!

Looks like you wanted a pointer here:
SQLHSTMT stmt= malloc(sizeof(SQLHSTMT));


MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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Re: help with a simple ODBC program

am 01.05.2007 16:34:28 von Martin Evans

Patrick Galbraith wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on a federated odbc storage engine, and was having problems
> fetching results of a 'show table status'. I have one main odbc database
> handle in the storage engine, and then allocate and free statement
> handles for whatever calls I need to make. One of the storage engine
> methods, "::info", does a 'show table status like 'tablename'". I kept
> banging my head with the code segfaulting on fetching result sets, and
> didn't know if it was something to do with the way I allocate memory in
> the storage engine, so I decided to remove the problem into a simpler
> piece of code.
> The code as far as I could tell, should work. What I did next was just
> to write a simple C program that does just one simple show table status
> call. It worked when I had the statement allocation and fetching all in
> "main", but when I tried to see if having statement allocation in a
> different function (one that simply takes an sql query and runs it) it
> segfaults in the part of the program that iterates through the columns
> of the result set. Everything works up to the point where my program
> reports the number of columns, but then segfaults on any subsequent call
> such as SQLColAttribute or SQLGetData. I can't figure it out. It makes
> no sense. The loop that does all this worked perfectly when in the same
> function (main) as the rest of the program setup.
> I'm attaching this program that I wrote for anyone who would like to
> help me with this. I would appreciate any help, in advance, that anyone
> can please give!
> Kind regards,
> Patrick
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------

Ok, I found time sooner than I thought.

> #include
> #include
> #include
> #include
> #include
> SQLHENV *env;
> SQLHDBC *dbc;

I know you were not after a C lesson, but I'd really avoid these
globals, put them in main and pass them to run_sql.

> main()
> {
> env= malloc(sizeof(SQLHENV));
> dbc= malloc(sizeof(SQLHDBC));
> SQLRETURN function_result;
> SQLINTEGER odbc_err;
> char msg[200];
> char sql_stat[10]; // Status SQL
> /* Allocate an environment handle */
> /* We want ODBC 3 support */

Never seen anyone do it like that but technically nothing wrong with it.
Why not just do:



then use env/dbc without derefencing?

> SQLSetEnvAttr(*env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
> /* Allocate a connection handle */
> SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, *env, dbc);
> /* Connect to the DSN mydsn */
> /* You will need to change mydsn to one you have created and tested */
> function_result= SQLDriverConnect(*dbc, (void *)1, "Driver=myodbc3;Server=localhost;Database=federated_odbc;Por t=5555;socket=/tmp/mysql-5555.sock;Option=3;UID=root", SQL_NTS,
> if ((function_result != SQL_SUCCESS) &&
> (function_result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))

You can use the SQL_SUCCEEDED macro to avoid testing for both types of

> {
> printf("Unable to connect, Damnit!\n");
> SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, *dbc,1,
> sql_stat, &odbc_err,msg,100,&mlen);
> printf("%s (%d)\n",msg,odbc_err);
> SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, *env);
> return(0);
> }
> run_sql("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 't1'");
> free(dbc);
> free(env);

I think is exactly why allocating memory for an HENV and HDBC did not
feel right to me. You have not called SQLDisconnect and SQLFreeHandle on
the dbc and env.

> }
> int run_sql(char *query)
> {
> SQLHSTMT stmt= malloc(sizeof(SQLHSTMT));
> SQLRETURN function_result;
> SQLSMALLINT mlen,columns;
> SQLINTEGER odbc_err,row=0;
> char msg[200];
> char sql_stat[10]; // Status SQL
> printf("QUERY %s\n", query);
> /* Allocate a statement handle */
> function_result= SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, *dbc, stmt);
> printf("function_result from alloc of stmt %d\n", (int) function_result);
> /* Retrieve a list of tables */
> //SQLTables(stmt, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "TABLE", SQL_NTS);
> function_result= SQLExecDirect(*stmt, query, SQL_NTS);
> if (function_result != SQL_ERROR)
> printf("SQLExecDirect function_result %d\n", (int) function_result);
> else
> {
> printf("SQLExecDirect error function_result %d\n", (int) function_result);
> exit(0);
> }
> /* How many columns are there */
> SQLNumResultCols(*stmt, &columns);
> printf("SQLNumResultCols returned %d\n", function_result);
> printf("total columns %d\n", columns);
> /* Loop through the rows in the result-set */
> while (SQL_SUCCEEDED(function_result = SQLFetch(*stmt))) {
> printf("Row %d stmt %lx\n", row++, stmt);

I think that should be %p for stmt.

> /* Loop through the columns */
> for (i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
> SQLINTEGER indicator;
> char buf[1024];

this is probably your problem. len is SQLPOINTER and it was never
assigned to anything and SQLColAttribute wants to write a to it.
It should be the address of a SQLUINTEGER or SQLULEN for SQL_DESC_LENGTH.

> /* retrieve column data as a string */
> function_result= SQLGetData(*stmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR,
> buf, sizeof(buf), &indicator);
> if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(function_result)) {
> /* Handle null columns */
> if (indicator == SQL_NULL_DATA)
> {
> strcpy(buf, "NULL");
> *len= 0;
> }
> if (!strlen(buf))
> {
> *len= 0;
> }
> printf(" Column %u : %s length %d\n", i, buf, (int)*len);
> }
> }
> }

You should call SQLFreeHandle on stmt.

> free(stmt);
> }

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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Re: help with a simple ODBC program

am 01.05.2007 16:47:16 von Patrick Galbraith

Jess Balint wrote:

>On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 09:57:21AM -0400, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
>>I'm attaching this program that I wrote for anyone who would like to
>>help me with this. I would appreciate any help, in advance, that anyone
>>can please give!
>Looks like you wanted a pointer here:
> SQLHSTMT stmt= malloc(sizeof(SQLHSTMT));

ack - I had switched to using "SQLHSTMT stmt" back to using a SQLSTMT
pointer just prior to sending, and forgot to change it back to:

"SQLHSTMT *stmt= malloc(sizeof(SQLHSTMT))";



Patrick Galbraith, Senior Programmer
Grazr - Easy feed grazing and sharing

Satyam Eva Jayate - Truth Alone Triumphs
Mundaka Upanishad

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: help with a simple ODBC program

am 01.05.2007 16:56:13 von Patrick Galbraith


Thanks! I should have made a disclaimer that my sample code was ugly and
not up to spec ;)

Martin Evans wrote:

> --
> Ok, I found time sooner than I thought.
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> SQLHENV *env;
>> SQLHDBC *dbc;
> I know you were not after a C lesson, but I'd really avoid these
> globals, put them in main and pass them to run_sql.

I'm always up for tips and learning ;)
The reason I did this is that the current version of Federated has a
class variable 'MYSQL *mysql'

class ha_federated: public handler
THR_LOCK_DATA lock; /* MySQL lock */
FEDERATED_SHARE *share; /* Shared lock info */
MYSQL *mysql; /* MySQL connection */
MYSQL_RES *stored_result;


So, what I've done is to try to do the same, but:

class ha_federated_odbc: public handler
THR_LOCK_DATA lock; /* MySQL lock */
FEDERATED_ODBC_SHARE *share; /* Shared lock info */
SQLHENV *odbc_env_h; // Handle ODBC environment
SQLHDBC *odbc_dbh; // Handle connection
SQLHSTMT *odbc_stmt; // works like "stored_result" (?????)

So, the idea is I have a class stmt variable for situations where I need
a result set I iterate through such as within rnd_next/index_next, and
then for simple no-result calls (write queries, or things like 'set
autocommit....', I define a local stmt. Does this make sense? Is a
SQLHSTMT where the stored result is?

>> main()
>> {
>> env= malloc(sizeof(SQLHENV));
>> dbc= malloc(sizeof(SQLHDBC));
>> SQLRETURN function_result;
>> SQLINTEGER odbc_err;
>> char msg[200];
>> char sql_stat[10]; // Status SQL
>> /* Allocate an environment handle */
>> /* We want ODBC 3 support */
> Never seen anyone do it like that but technically nothing wrong with it.
> Why not just do:
> SQLHENV env;
> SQLHDBC dbc;
> then use env/dbc without derefencing?

Just trying to stick with how it's done with mysql client api in
federated... I suppose the other way I could do.

>> SQLSetEnvAttr(*env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
>> /* Allocate a connection handle */
>> SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, *env, dbc);
>> /* Connect to the DSN mydsn */
>> /* You will need to change mydsn to one you have created and tested */
>> function_result= SQLDriverConnect(*dbc, (void *)1,
>> "Driver=myodbc3;Server=localhost;Database=federated_odbc;Por t=5555;socket=/tmp/mysql-5555.sock;Option=3;UID=root",
>> if ((function_result != SQL_SUCCESS) &&
>> (function_result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
> You can use the SQL_SUCCEEDED macro to avoid testing for both types of
> success.


>> {
>> printf("Unable to connect, Damnit!\n");
>> SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, *dbc,1,
>> sql_stat, &odbc_err,msg,100,&mlen);
>> printf("%s (%d)\n",msg,odbc_err);
>> SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, *env);
>> return(0);
>> }
>> run_sql("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 't1'");
>> free(dbc);
>> free(env);
> I think is exactly why allocating memory for an HENV and HDBC did not
> feel right to me. You have not called SQLDisconnect and SQLFreeHandle
> on the dbc and env.
Yes, you are right! I tried what you suggested, and now it works.

Question: why did it work ok when this code was in "main" ? As soon as I
put it in it's own function, it bombed.

>> }
>> int run_sql(char *query)
>> {
>> SQLHSTMT stmt= malloc(sizeof(SQLHSTMT));
>> SQLRETURN function_result;
>> SQLSMALLINT mlen,columns;
>> SQLINTEGER odbc_err,row=0;
>> char msg[200];
>> char sql_stat[10]; // Status SQL
>> printf("QUERY %s\n", query);
>> /* Allocate a statement handle */
>> function_result= SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, *dbc, stmt);
>> printf("function_result from alloc of stmt %d\n", (int)
>> function_result);
>> /* Retrieve a list of tables */
>> //SQLTables(stmt, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "TABLE", SQL_NTS);
>> function_result= SQLExecDirect(*stmt, query, SQL_NTS);
>> if (function_result != SQL_ERROR)
>> printf("SQLExecDirect function_result %d\n", (int) function_result);
>> else
>> {
>> printf("SQLExecDirect error function_result %d\n", (int)
>> function_result);
>> exit(0);
>> }
>> /* How many columns are there */
>> SQLNumResultCols(*stmt, &columns);
>> printf("SQLNumResultCols returned %d\n", function_result);
>> printf("total columns %d\n", columns);
>> /* Loop through the rows in the result-set */
>> while (SQL_SUCCEEDED(function_result = SQLFetch(*stmt))) {
>> printf("Row %d stmt %lx\n", row++, stmt);
> I think that should be %p for stmt.
>> /* Loop through the columns */
>> for (i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
>> SQLINTEGER indicator;
>> char buf[1024];
>> NULL,NULL, len);
> this is probably your problem. len is SQLPOINTER and it was never
> assigned to anything and SQLColAttribute wants to write a to it.
> It should be the address of a SQLUINTEGER or SQLULEN for SQL_DESC_LENGTH.
>> /* retrieve column data as a string */
>> function_result= SQLGetData(*stmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR,
>> buf, sizeof(buf), &indicator);
>> if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(function_result)) {
>> /* Handle null columns */
>> if (indicator == SQL_NULL_DATA)
>> {
>> strcpy(buf, "NULL");
>> *len= 0;
>> }
>> if (!strlen(buf))
>> {
>> *len= 0;
>> }
>> printf(" Column %u : %s length %d\n", i, buf, (int)*len);
>> }
>> }
>> }
> You should call SQLFreeHandle on stmt.

I do this in the storage engine code - also, I disconnect in
ha_federated_odbc::close ;)

>> free(stmt);
>> }
> Martin

Thank you very very very much!


Patrick Galbraith, Senior Programmer
Grazr - Easy feed grazing and sharing

Satyam Eva Jayate - Truth Alone Triumphs
Mundaka Upanishad

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: help with a simple ODBC program

am 01.05.2007 17:11:04 von Martin Evans

Patrick Galbraith wrote:
> Martin,
> Thanks! I should have made a disclaimer that my sample code was ugly and
> not up to spec ;)

I suspected from what you said it was just code knocked up to reproduce
the problem.

> Martin Evans wrote:
>> --
>> Ok, I found time sooner than I thought.
>>> #include
>>> #include
>>> #include
>>> #include
>>> #include
>>> SQLHENV *env;
>>> SQLHDBC *dbc;
>> I know you were not after a C lesson, but I'd really avoid these
>> globals, put them in main and pass them to run_sql.
> I'm always up for tips and learning ;)
> The reason I did this is that the current version of Federated has a
> class variable 'MYSQL *mysql'
> class ha_federated: public handler
> {
> THR_LOCK_DATA lock; /* MySQL lock */
> FEDERATED_SHARE *share; /* Shared lock info */
> MYSQL *mysql; /* MySQL connection */
> MYSQL_RES *stored_result;
> ...
> So, what I've done is to try to do the same, but:
> class ha_federated_odbc: public handler
> {
> THR_LOCK_DATA lock; /* MySQL lock */
> FEDERATED_ODBC_SHARE *share; /* Shared lock info */
> SQLHENV *odbc_env_h; // Handle ODBC environment
> SQLHDBC *odbc_dbh; // Handle connection
> SQLHSTMT *odbc_stmt; // works like "stored_result" (?????)
> So, the idea is I have a class stmt variable for situations where I need
> a result set I iterate through such as within rnd_next/index_next, and
> then for simple no-result calls (write queries, or things like 'set
> autocommit....', I define a local stmt. Does this make sense?

Still can't see why you cannot just use SQLHENV (which is technically
already a pointer) but the choice is yours - no real right or wrong here.

> Is a
> SQLHSTMT where the stored result is?

yes, assuming SQLNumResultCols is > 0 else it has not been used or it
was used for an insert/delete/update.

>>> main()
>>> {
>>> env= malloc(sizeof(SQLHENV));
>>> dbc= malloc(sizeof(SQLHDBC));
>>> SQLRETURN function_result;
>>> SQLINTEGER odbc_err;
>>> char msg[200];
>>> char sql_stat[10]; // Status SQL
>>> /* Allocate an environment handle */
>>> /* We want ODBC 3 support */
>> Never seen anyone do it like that but technically nothing wrong with it.
>> Why not just do:
>> SQLHENV env;
>> SQLHDBC dbc;
>> then use env/dbc without derefencing?
> Just trying to stick with how it's done with mysql client api in
> federated... I suppose the other way I could do.
>>> SQLSetEnvAttr(*env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
>>> /* Allocate a connection handle */
>>> SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, *env, dbc);
>>> /* Connect to the DSN mydsn */
>>> /* You will need to change mydsn to one you have created and tested */
>>> function_result= SQLDriverConnect(*dbc, (void *)1,
>>> "Driver=myodbc3;Server=localhost;Database=federated_odbc;Por t=5555;socket=/tmp/mysql-5555.sock;Option=3;UID=root",
>>> SQL_NTS,
>>> if ((function_result != SQL_SUCCESS) &&
>>> (function_result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
>> You can use the SQL_SUCCEEDED macro to avoid testing for both types of
>> success.
> Yes.
>>> {
>>> printf("Unable to connect, Damnit!\n");
>>> SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, *dbc,1,
>>> sql_stat, &odbc_err,msg,100,&mlen);
>>> printf("%s (%d)\n",msg,odbc_err);
>>> SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, *env);
>>> return(0);
>>> }
>>> run_sql("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 't1'");
>>> free(dbc);
>>> free(env);
>> I think is exactly why allocating memory for an HENV and HDBC did not
>> feel right to me. You have not called SQLDisconnect and SQLFreeHandle
>> on the dbc and env.
> Yes, you are right! I tried what you suggested, and now it works.
> Question: why did it work ok when this code was in "main" ? As soon as I
> put it in it's own function, it bombed.

Move the code you move where the variable gets put on the stack and what
it's initial value is (could have been anything in your case as
automatic variables are not initialised).

valgrind should have spotted this for you - useful tool.

>>> }
>>> int run_sql(char *query)
>>> {
>>> SQLHSTMT stmt= malloc(sizeof(SQLHSTMT));
>>> SQLRETURN function_result;
>>> SQLSMALLINT mlen,columns;
>>> SQLINTEGER odbc_err,row=0;
>>> char msg[200];
>>> char sql_stat[10]; // Status SQL
>>> printf("QUERY %s\n", query);
>>> /* Allocate a statement handle */
>>> function_result= SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, *dbc, stmt);
>>> printf("function_result from alloc of stmt %d\n", (int)
>>> function_result);
>>> /* Retrieve a list of tables */
>>> //SQLTables(stmt, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "TABLE", SQL_NTS);
>>> function_result= SQLExecDirect(*stmt, query, SQL_NTS);
>>> if (function_result != SQL_ERROR)
>>> printf("SQLExecDirect function_result %d\n", (int) function_result);
>>> else
>>> {
>>> printf("SQLExecDirect error function_result %d\n", (int)
>>> function_result);
>>> exit(0);
>>> }
>>> /* How many columns are there */
>>> SQLNumResultCols(*stmt, &columns);
>>> printf("SQLNumResultCols returned %d\n", function_result);
>>> printf("total columns %d\n", columns);
>>> /* Loop through the rows in the result-set */
>>> while (SQL_SUCCEEDED(function_result = SQLFetch(*stmt))) {
>>> printf("Row %d stmt %lx\n", row++, stmt);
>> I think that should be %p for stmt.
>>> /* Loop through the columns */
>>> for (i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
>>> SQLPOINTER *len;
>>> SQLINTEGER indicator;
>>> char buf[1024];
>>> SQLColAttribute(*stmt, i, SQL_DESC_LENGTH, NULL, (SQLSMALLINT)
>>> NULL,NULL, len);
>> this is probably your problem. len is SQLPOINTER and it was never
>> assigned to anything and SQLColAttribute wants to write a to it.
>> It should be the address of a SQLUINTEGER or SQLULEN for SQL_DESC_LENGTH.
>>> /* retrieve column data as a string */
>>> function_result= SQLGetData(*stmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR,
>>> buf, sizeof(buf), &indicator);
>>> if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(function_result)) {
>>> /* Handle null columns */
>>> if (indicator == SQL_NULL_DATA)
>>> {
>>> strcpy(buf, "NULL");
>>> *len= 0;
>>> }
>>> if (!strlen(buf))
>>> {
>>> *len= 0;
>>> }
>>> printf(" Column %u : %s length %d\n", i, buf, (int)*len);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>> You should call SQLFreeHandle on stmt.
> I do this in the storage engine code - also, I disconnect in
> ha_federated_odbc::close ;)
>>> free(stmt);
>>> }
>> Martin
> Thank you very very very much!
> Patrick

No problem.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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