[RESULT][VOTE] Move Turbine to TLP

[RESULT][VOTE] Move Turbine to TLP

am 06.05.2007 13:15:51 von Scott Eade

Voting has ended. The following votes were case:

+1: 19 votes

* Will Glass-Husain (pmc)
* Henning P. Schmiedehausen (pmc)
* Juergen Hoffmann
* Peter Courcoux
* Thomas Vandahl
* Jeff Brekke (pmc)
* Henri Yandell (pmc)
* Scott Eade (pmc)
* Roland Weber (pmc)
* Dion Gillard
* Niall Pemberton (pmc)
* Nathan Bubna (pmc)
* Mark Thomas (pmc)
* Rahul Akolkar (pmc)
* Davanum Srinivas (pmc)
* Jörg Schaible (pmc)
* Martin van den Bemt (pmc)
* Jesse Kuhnert
* Rony G. Flatscher (pmc)

+0: None
-1: None

Thank you to those that participated. I will ask Martin to take the
proposal to the board.


Scott Eade wrote:
> The Turbine project has been discussing a proposal to the board that
> the Turbine projects leave the Jakarta umbrella and become their own
> top level project. We are now at the point in the process that calls
> for a vote to take place.
> The proposal is available at:
> http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-turbine/TLPTurbine
> For the interested, most of the discussion took place in the following
> thread:
> http://www.nabble.com/-DISCUSS--TLP--tf3574436.html
> Here are the vote options:
> [ ] +1 I support the proposal
> [ ] +0 I don't care
> [ ] -1 I'm opposed to the proposal because...
> Voting will close in one week.
> Thanks,
> Scott