How Import XML file in a table with trigger.

How Import XML file in a table with trigger.

am 10.05.2007 00:55:54 von M6C

I'm trying to import a Xml file in a table.
It's working find, but when the data are inserted, my trigger on this
table doesn't work ?

I put my code below.

Best regards



Xml file :


Xsd file :

xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql" >

Vbs file:
Set objBL = CreateObject("SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad")
objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data
objBL.ErrorLogFile = "C:\Temp\error.xml"
objBL.SchemaGen = True
objBL.CheckConstraints = True
objBL.KeepIdentity = False
objBL.BulkLoad = true
objBL.Execute "C:\Temp\9219142_MAPPING.xsd", "C:\Temp\9219142.xml"
Set objBL = Nothing

Trigger source code :

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_ac_export_and_path] ON

DECLARE @id AS varchar(50)

SELECT @id = 'A'+convert(varchar, [id]) FROM inserted

INSERT INTO ac_path([id], [path]) SELECT @id, path FROM inserted


Re: How Import XML file in a table with trigger.

am 11.05.2007 00:23:32 von Erland Sommarskog

M6C ( writes:
> I'm trying to import a Xml file in a table.
> It's working find, but when the data are inserted, my trigger on this
> table doesn't work ?
> Vbs file:
> Set objBL = CreateObject("SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad")
> objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data
> source=*****;database=*****;uid=*****;pwd=*****"
> objBL.ErrorLogFile = "C:\Temp\error.xml"
> objBL.SchemaGen = True
> objBL.CheckConstraints = True
> objBL.KeepIdentity = False
> objBL.BulkLoad = true
> objBL.Execute "C:\Temp\9219142_MAPPING.xsd", "C:\Temp\9219142.xml"
> Set objBL = Nothing

By default triggers don't fire when you bulk load. At least not regular
bulk load. I don't know if XML bulk load is any different. Regular
bulk load has an option to fire triggers. You may want to explorer
whether XML bulk load offers this too.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at ads/books.mspx
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at .mspx

Re: How Import XML file in a table with trigger.

am 11.05.2007 16:45:03 von M6C

On 11 mai, 00:23, Erland Sommarskog wrote:
> By default triggers don't fire when you bulk load. At least not regular
> bulk load. I don't know if XML bulk load is any different. Regular
> bulk load has an option to fire triggers. You may want to explorer
> whether XML bulk load offers this too.
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
> Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at
previousversions/books.mspx- Masquer le texte des messages pr=E9c=E9dents -
> - Afficher le texte des messages pr=E9c=E9dents -

Thank you, but i don't find any information about an option to fire
I will continue to looking for more informations about XML bulk load

An other question, to circumvent my problem;
Can i make an operation in the Xsd file ?
I want to add an constant character to an column.
Can i modify the Xsd file to look like the following:

Best Regards



xmlns:sql=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql" >

sql:field=3D"append("A",numero_virement)" />

Re: How Import XML file in a table with trigger.

am 13.05.2007 18:25:07 von Erland Sommarskog

M6C ( writes:
> Thank you, but i don't find any information about an option to fire
> triggers.
> I will continue to looking for more informations about XML bulk load
> options.

I looked in MSDN Library, and according to the topic "SQL Server XML Bulk
Load Object Model", there is indeed a FireTriggers property. This is for
SQLXML 4.0. I don't have much experience of SQLXML, but FireTriggers is not
listed under "What's New in SQL 4.0", so I guess it was there in 3.0 as

> An other question, to circumvent my problem;
> Can i make an operation in the Xsd file ?
> I want to add an constant character to an column.
> Can i modify the Xsd file to look like the following:

That question definitely goes over my head! :-)

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at ads/books.mspx
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at .mspx

Re: How Import XML file in a table with trigger.

am 14.05.2007 14:53:23 von M6C

On 13 mai, 18:25, Erland Sommarskog wrote:
> M6C ( writes:
> > Thank you, but i don't find any information about an option to fire
> > triggers.
> > I will continue to looking for more informations about XML bulk load
> > options.
> I looked in MSDN Library, and according to the topic "SQL Server XML Bulk
> Load Object Model", there is indeed aFireTriggersproperty. This is forSQLXML4.0. I don't have much experience ofSQLXML, butFireTriggersis not
> listed under "What's New in SQL 4.0", so I guess it was there in 3.0 as
> well.

In fact SQLXML 4.0 have a FileTriggers property. But i try this option
in SQLXML 3.0 and it's not available.
So i must upgrade my sql server to the 2005 version, to use it.
Thank you for your answers. Now i know the reason of this