Match field and return to "1"
am 14.05.2007 01:03:59 von neolempires2
hi..i'm new in sql progaming,
i try to make make a query that in table field "match" return to "1"
if no member record in another table and return to "0" if there is any
record member :
table member:
member id
A 12
B 14
Table Incoming.
member note match
C bla..bla 1
A bla..bla 0
D bla..bla 1
...... ....... .....
can anyone help me please?
Re: Match field and return to "1"
am 14.05.2007 04:15:19 von Ed Murphy wrote:
> hi..i'm new in sql progaming,
> i try to make make a query that in table field "match" return to "1"
> if no member record in another table and return to "0" if there is any
> record member :
> ex
> table member:
> member id
> A 12
> B 14
You have a table and a column of that table with the same
name? Eww, fix that.
> Table Incoming.
> member note match
> C bla..bla 1
> A bla..bla 0
> D bla..bla 1
Assuming that the Incoming table already has rows with correct data
in all columns except possibly 'match':
update Incoming
set match = 0
where member in (select member from member)
update Incoming
set match = 1
where member not in (select member from member)
Re: Match field and return to "1"
am 14.05.2007 04:47:27 von Steve Kass
Something like this should work if there is at
most 1 matching row in the other table:
case when Another.member is null
then 1
else 0 end as match
from member as M
left outer join Another
on Another.member = M.member
If there could be multiple matching rows, you have to do
something that will likely be less efficient:
case when exists (
select * from Another
where Another.member = M.member
) then 1 else 0 end as match
from member as M
-- Steve Kass
-- Drew University
-- wrote:
> hi..i'm new in sql progaming,
> i try to make make a query that in table field "match" return to "1"
> if no member record in another table and return to "0" if there is any
> record member :
> ex
> table member:
> member id
> A 12
> B 14
> Table Incoming.
> member note match
> C bla..bla 1
> A bla..bla 0
> D bla..bla 1
> ..... ....... .....
> can anyone help me please?
> D