how am I able to log all sql queries?

how am I able to log all sql queries?

am 22.09.2003 07:04:06 von sector119


I want to log all queries which has been executed by my program!

*user_ip* who run program, and *queries* which has been executed durin
time that he use this program (my site)

WBR, sector119

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Re: how am I able to log all sql queries?

am 22.09.2003 16:42:04 von Robby Russell wrote:
> hi
> I want to log all queries which has been executed by my program!
> like:
> *user_ip* who run program, and *queries* which has been executed durin
> time that he use this program (my site)

PostgreSQL can log it for you, but if you want to do it on a client
basis, I'd create a log table in your db and add a function to your
program that for each time you execute a query, you log the ip and the
sql query to the database table. If you're using pg_query or something
you could create a custom function like so: (don't mind the horrible
php, but you might get the idea I'm trying to show.)

function pg_log_query($ip, $sql) {
# query to insert the sql to the database
pg_query("INSERT INTO logging (ip, sql) VALUES ('$ip', '$sql');

# call the normal pg_query

Hope that helps

Robby Russell, | Sr. Administrator / Lead Programmer
Command Prompt, Inc. | | Telephone: (503) 222.2783

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