about psql user

about psql user

am 12.05.2004 15:49:50 von Joe Nilson Zegarra Galvez

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sorry, if its not a quiestion for the list, but i want know if is
posible config one user with readonly access to a DB in postgresql, i'm
seeking it in the manual and only found a entry in a Postgre95 ver 0.3
manual :-( nothing in the 7.4.2 documentation, i'm devel an app with php
and pgsql and some users only can make selects without inserts, deletes
or updates and this is the reason for the readonly user.

Thanks for your help.


Joe Nilson

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Re: about psql user

am 12.05.2004 16:28:44 von Robby Russell

Joe Nilson Zegarra Galvez typed this on 05/12/2004 06:49 AM:
> sorry, if its not a quiestion for the list, but i want know if is
> posible config one user with readonly access to a DB in postgresql, i'm
> seeking it in the manual and only found a entry in a Postgre95 ver 0.3
> manual :-( nothing in the 7.4.2 documentation, i'm devel an app with php
> and pgsql and some users only can make selects without inserts, deletes
> or updates and this is the reason for the readonly user.
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards
> Joe Nilson

Try this:




Robby Russell, | Sr. Administrator / Lead Programmer
Command Prompt, Inc. | http://www.commandprompt.com
rrussell@commandprompt.com | Telephone: (503) 667.4564

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