ALT.HTML Statistics for 27/05/2007

ALT.HTML Statistics for 27/05/2007

am 27.05.2007 21:07:00 von Toby Inkster

=========================== alt.html Statistics ============================
Total posts considered: 315 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun May 20 21:01:14 2007
Latest article: Sun May 27 19:01:15 2007
Original articles: 54, replies: 261
Total size of posts: 656,922 bytes (641 kbytes) (0.63 Mbytes)
Average 45 articles per day, 0.09 Mbytes per day, 2,085 bytes per article
Total headers: 326 kbytes, bodies: 314 kbytes
Body: quoted 130 kbytes, original 164 kbytes = 55.88%, sigs 19 kbytes
Total number of posters: 90, average 7,299 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 58, average 11,326 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 18
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- html txt dat
============================================================ ================

==================== Top Posters by Number of Messages =====================
Poster Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: dorayme ........................................................ 32
2: Knut Krueger ................................................... 23
3: Adrienne Boswell ............................................... 17
4: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 13
5: Neredbojias .................................................... 12
6: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................... 11
7: jane doe ....................................................... 10
8: Ben C .......................................................... 9
9: J.O. Aho ....................................................... 9
10: Blinky the Shark ............................................... 9
11: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 8
12: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 8
13: John Hosking ................................................... 7
14: Edwin van der Vaart ............................................ 6
15: Chet ........................................................... 5
16: Ciaran ......................................................... 5
17: Mohawk Mawk .................................................... 5
18: Jim Moe ........................................................ 4
19: rf ............................................................ . 4
20: Ed Mullen ...................................................... 4
============================================================ ================

======================= Top Posters by Size (kbytes) =======================
Poster Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: dorayme ........................ 28 15 18 0 62
2: Adrienne Boswell ............... 18 9 9 2 39
3: Knut Krueger ................... 22 7 7 0 37
4: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........ 16 4 4 0 26
5: Neredbojias .................... 12 8 4 0 26
6: cwdjrxyz ....................... 9 5 10 0 25
7: jane doe ....................... 9 9 3 1 23
8: Jukka K. Korpela ............... 12 2 7 0 22
9: Toby Inkster ................... 0 0 21 0 22
10: Edwin van der Vaart ............ 6 4 5 1 17
11: J.O. Aho ....................... 8 3 2 2 16
12: Ben C .......................... 9 3 2 0 15
13: John Hosking ................... 7 3 4 0 15
14: Jonathan N. Little ............. 9 3 1 0 15
15: Chet ........................... 4 4 4 0 14
16: Blinky the Shark ............... 8 2 0 1 13
17: Ed Mullen ...................... 6 3 0 0 12
18: Mohawk Mawk .................... 5 1 5 0 12
19: Ciaran ......................... 5 1 1 0 8
20: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard_Talbot?. 2 2 3 0 8
============================================================ ================

================== Top Posters by Original Text (kbytes) ===================
Poster Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: dorayme ........................................................ 18
2: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 10
3: Adrienne Boswell ............................................... 9
4: Knut Krueger ................................................... 7
5: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................... 7
6: Mohawk Mawk .................................................... 5
7: Edwin van der Vaart ............................................ 5
8: Neredbojias .................................................... 4
9: Chet ........................................................... 4
10: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 4
============================================================ ================

=================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Mohawk Mawk .................................... 1 6 76
2: Jukka K. Korpela ............................... 2 10 71
3: cwdjrxyz ....................................... 5 15 67
4: dorayme ........................................ 15 34 53
5: John Hosking ................................... 3 8 52
6: Knut Krueger ................................... 7 14 52
7: Chet ........................................... 4 9 50
8: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................ 4 10 46
9: Ciaran ......................................... 1 2 45
10: Edwin van der Vaart ............................ 4 11 44
============================================================ ================

==================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Blinky the Shark ............................... 2 4 13
2: jane doe ....................................... 9 13 23
3: J.O. Aho ....................................... 3 8 29
4: Jonathan N. Little ............................. 3 5 32
5: Neredbojias .................................... 8 13 35
6: Ben C .......................................... 3 5 41
7: Edwin van der Vaart ............................ 4 11 44
8: Adrienne Boswell ............................... 9 20 44
9: Ciaran ......................................... 1 2 45
10: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................ 4 10 46
============================================================ ================

==================== Top Threads By Number of Messages =====================
Thread Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: ALT.HTML Statistics for 20/05/2007.............................. 31
2: Alternative to target="_blank".................................. 25
3: mail to or form?................................................ 18
4: css borders..................................................... 13
5: CSS questoin.................................................... 12
6: Your links...................................................... 12
7: open for suggestions............................................ 12
8: difference IE an Mozilla........................................ 11
9: doing math with html............................................ 11
10: avi video....................................................... 10
11: how to better handle links...................................... 9
12: Passing Validation.............................................. 8
13: width of one container not smooth in IE......................... 8
14: I need an HTML editor........................................... 8
15: Can only get image if it's in a webpage......................... 8
16: basic div height problem........................................ 7

........................................................... 6
18: How to embed a flash movie?..................................... 6
19: aligning DIV in css - Noob Question............................. 6
20: margin or padding?.............................................. 5
============================================================ ================

======================= Top Threads By Size (kbytes) =======================
Thread Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: ALT.HTML Statistics for 20/05/2. 35 21 36 2 94
2: Alternative to target="_blank".. 27 14 14 1 58
3: mail to or form?................ 19 6 6 0 33
4: avi video....................... 10 5 8 0 24
5: open for suggestions............ 12 7 2 1 24
6: how to better handle links...... 7 6 5 3 23
7: Your links...................... 11 6 5 0 22
8: doing math with html............ 11 5 4 1 22
9: css borders..................... 12 3 3 0 20
10: CSS questoin.................... 12 2 3 0 18
11: I need an HTML editor........... 7 1 8 0 18
12: Passing Validation.............. 7 3 6 0 18
13: difference IE an Mozilla........ 10 2 4 0 18
14: Can only get image if it's in a. 7 5 3 0 16
15: width of one container not smoo. 8 2 3 0 14
16: How to embed a flash movie?..... 5 3 4 0 13
17: aligning DIV in css - Noob Ques. 5 2 3 0 12
18: basic div height problem........ 7 2 1 0 11
19: Make the links visible. PLEASE . 6 2 1 1 10
20: How could I add pdf files to my. 5 1 2 0 9
============================================================ ================

========================= Most Replied-To Messages =========================
Message-ID Replies
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: <>.......... 6
2: <>......... 4
3: <>............................ 4
4: <>......... 4
5: ..................................... 4
6: ............................. 4
7: <73baa$46589650$d55d10f2$>.................. 4
8: <>......... 3
9: ................. 3
10: <843d2$46505eff$18843e95$>.................. 3
============================================================ ================

========================= Most Cross-Posted Groups =========================
Group Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: uk.rec.cycling.............................................. .... 11
2: .... 11
3: uk.telecom.broadband........................................ .... 11
4: .... 11
5: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html......................... .... 8
6: .... 4
7: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets.................. .... 4
============================================================ ================

=================== Top User-Agents by Number of Posters ===================
User-Agent Posters
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: G2.......................................................... .... 36
2: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 13
3: Outlook Express................................................. 10
4: Mozilla..................................................... .... 8
5: Xnews....................................................... .... 4
6: NewsPortal.................................................. .... 3
7: Forte Agent..................................................... 3
8: slrn........................................................ .... 3
9: 40tude Dialog................................................... 1
10: Pan......................................................... .... 1
============================================================ ================

================== Top User-Agents by Number of Messages ===================
User-Agent Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: G2.......................................................... .... 66
2: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 53
3: Outlook Express................................................. 44
4: Xnews....................................................... .... 33
5: Mozilla..................................................... .... 32
6: MT-NewsWatcher.............................................. .... 32
7: slrn........................................................ .... 21
8: 40tude Dialog................................................... 13
9: pan......................................................... .... 4
10: Forte Agent..................................................... 4
============================================================ ================

======= Bandwidth-Wasting User-Agents by Average Header Size (bytes) =======
User-Agent Hdrs Msgs Avg
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: 40tude Dialog................................... 16492 13 1268
2: Mozilla......................................... 38253 32 1195
3: G2.............................................. 73024 66 1106
4: slrn............................................ 22153 21 1054
5: Xnews........................................... 34774 33 1053
6: Outlook Express................................. 45745 44 1039
7: Mozilla Thunderbird............................. 53707 53 1013
8: MT-NewsWatcher.................................. 28780 32 899
============================================================ ================

===================== Top Servers by Number of Posters =====================
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: .... 36
2: .... 7
3: .... 4
4: .... 4
5: .... 3
6: hw-filter.lga............................................... .... 3
7: .... 3
8: .... 2
9: .... 2
10: .... 2
============================================================ ================

======================= Top Servers by Size (kbytes) =======================
Server Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: 71 14 37 0 123
2: 28 15 18 0 62
3: hw-filter.lga................... 25 15 15 2 59
4: 22 8 6 3 41
5: 22 7 7 0 37
6: 19 6 5 0 32
7: 3 1 22 2 29
8: DIALUPUSA.NET................... 12 8 4 0 26
9: 11 5 6 1 26
10: 9 9 3 1 23
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=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Posters ====================
Zone Posters
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: -0700....................................................... .... 39
2: UTC......................................................... .... 19
3: +0200....................................................... .... 11
4: -0400....................................................... .... 8
5: +0100....................................................... .... 5
6: +1000....................................................... .... 3
7: -0500....................................................... .... 2
8: -0600....................................................... .... 1
9: -0800....................................................... .... 1
10: +0300....................................................... .... 1
============================================================ ================

=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Messages ===================
Zone Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: UTC......................................................... .... 78
2: -0700....................................................... .... 76
3: +0200....................................................... .... 60
4: +1000....................................................... .... 34
5: -0400....................................................... .... 32
6: +0300....................................................... .... 11
7: -0500....................................................... .... 11
8: +0100....................................................... .... 10
9: -0800....................................................... .... 2
10: -0600....................................................... .... 1
============================================================ ================

================= Days When We are Most in Need of a Life ==================
Day Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Mon......................................................... .... 27
2: Tue......................................................... .... 41
3: Wed......................................................... .... 53
4: Thu......................................................... .... 20
5: Fri......................................................... .... 20
6: Sat......................................................... .... 38
7: Sun......................................................... .... 41
8: Non-RFC822 Header............................................... 75
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Stats compiled by Toby Inkster.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS

Non-Intuitive Surnames mes/