PHP Security Basics - web seminar
am 30.05.2007 08:54:21 von Lasitha Alawatta------=_NextPartTM-000-14a015e9-5dd6-4669-824a-98ae5eb2d38a
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Hi All,
=0A"PHP Security Basics - Must-Knows for Eve=
Presenter: John Coggeshall, Zend Soluti=
ons Consultant Target audience:
Anyone who believes Security is import=
ant in Web Application development
and deployment
45 minutes, including Q&A
Security is not jus=
t important when you are doing financial transactions
- an insecure We=
b site can be used by others for malicious purposes to
launch attacks =
against other Web sites. There are a few must-knows for
anyone who ven=
tures out into the world of PHP Web development. In this
webinar John =
Coggeshall will focus on the absolute necessities when
doing secure We=
b development.
=0AREGISTER - PHP Security Basics
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