ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 04.06.2007 18:52:30 von Ben


I already sent this to the ACCESS newsgroup. But since I do not know really
which side is really causing the problem, I have decided to send this
to this newsgroup also, if I may.

Below is the environment of the application:
a. MS Access 2003 application running on Windows XP
b. SQL Server 2000 - backend running MS Server 2003 OS

Below is the code that is giving me an error:

Dim com As ADODB.Command

Set com = New ADODB.Command

With com
.ActiveConnection = "DSN=YES2;DATABASE=YES100SQLC;"
.CommandText = "sp_Recalculate"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Parameters("@ItemNumber") = ItemNum
.Execute ' This is where it hangs up...

TotalItems = .Parameters("@TotalInStock")
TotalCost = .Parameters("@TotalCost")

End With

Set com = Nothing

and the store procedure is:

@ItemNumber nvarchar(50),
@TotalInStock int = 0,
@TotalCost money = 0

SET @TotalInStock = (
SELECT Sum([Quantity in Stock])
FROM [Inventory Products]
WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber)

SET @TotalCost = (
SELECT Sum([Cost] * [Quantity in Stock])
FROM [Inventory Products]
WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber)


When the process goes to the ".Execute" line, it hangs up for a long time
then gives me an error message "Everflow". I have been trying to solve
this issue but do not have an idea for now of the cause.

Below is my finding:
a. When I run the stored procedure in the SQL analyzer, it works just fine.
I placed a SELECT statement to view the result of the stored procedure.
It gives the correct values.

Can anyone have ideas or similar problems?


Re: ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 04.06.2007 23:29:13 von Erland Sommarskog

Ben ( writes:
> .Execute ' This is where it hangs up...
> TotalItems = .Parameters("@TotalInStock")
> TotalCost = .Parameters("@TotalCost")
> End With
> Set com = Nothing
> and the store procedure is:

Do not use the sp_ prefix in your procedures. This prefix is reserved
for system procedures, and SQL Server will first look for these in master.
I don't think this explains why your process hangs, but I nevertheless
wanted to point it out.

> @ItemNumber nvarchar(50),
> @TotalInStock int = 0,
> @TotalCost money = 0
> AS

Judging from the code, the parameters @TotalInStock and @TotalCost
should be declared as OUTPUT. Right now your procedure is only a no-op.

Also, I can't see in you code that you create these parameters when you
call the procedure. You need to do that; you cannot just refer the
parameters after the call.

> SET @TotalInStock = (
> SELECT Sum([Quantity in Stock])
> FROM [Inventory Products]
> WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber)
> SET @TotalCost = (
> SELECT Sum([Cost] * [Quantity in Stock])
> FROM [Inventory Products]
> WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber)

Rewrite as

SELECT @TotalInStock = Sum([Quantity in Stock]),
@TotalCost = Sum([Cost] * [Quantity in Stock])
FROM [Inventory Products]
WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber

That will slash the execution time in half.

> When the process goes to the ".Execute" line, it hangs up for a long time
> then gives me an error message "Everflow". I have been trying to solve
> this issue but do not have an idea for now of the cause.

I guess you mean "Overflow"? That sounds like VB message to me, which
would indicate that you are using the wrong data type for TotalItems.
(Check that you did not mistakenly declare it as Integer.) Then again,
it does not seem that you would get anything back from the procedure
at all. But maybe that is the problem? You get some unintialised junk?

> Below is my finding:
> a. When I run the stored procedure in the SQL analyzer, it works just
> fine.

And it completes in how long time?

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at ads/books.mspx
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at .mspx

Re: ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 05.06.2007 04:04:04 von Ben

I timed the execution: 1 minute. Then it gives me the overflow error.

I double checked the code especially the declarations, and they seem to
okay. The "TotalItems" var in the calling method uses "long" as its data
type. The "@TotalInStock" OUTPUT var in the stored procedure is declared as
"int". They seem to be okay.

Is there an issue between the number of open connections to the database?

"Erland Sommarskog" wrote in message
> Ben ( writes:
>> .Execute ' This is where it hangs up...
>> TotalItems = .Parameters("@TotalInStock")
>> TotalCost = .Parameters("@TotalCost")
>> End With
>> Set com = Nothing
>> and the store procedure is:
>> CREATE PROCEDURE DBO.sp_Recalculate
> Do not use the sp_ prefix in your procedures. This prefix is reserved
> for system procedures, and SQL Server will first look for these in master.
> I don't think this explains why your process hangs, but I nevertheless
> wanted to point it out.
>> @ItemNumber nvarchar(50),
>> @TotalInStock int = 0,
>> @TotalCost money = 0
>> AS
> Judging from the code, the parameters @TotalInStock and @TotalCost
> should be declared as OUTPUT. Right now your procedure is only a no-op.
> Also, I can't see in you code that you create these parameters when you
> call the procedure. You need to do that; you cannot just refer the
> parameters after the call.
>> SET @TotalInStock = (
>> SELECT Sum([Quantity in Stock])
>> FROM [Inventory Products]
>> WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber)
>> SET @TotalCost = (
>> SELECT Sum([Cost] * [Quantity in Stock])
>> FROM [Inventory Products]
>> WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber)
>> END
> Rewrite as
> SELECT @TotalInStock = Sum([Quantity in Stock]),
> @TotalCost = Sum([Cost] * [Quantity in Stock])
> FROM [Inventory Products]
> WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber
> That will slash the execution time in half.
>> When the process goes to the ".Execute" line, it hangs up for a long time
>> then gives me an error message "Everflow". I have been trying to solve
>> this issue but do not have an idea for now of the cause.
> I guess you mean "Overflow"? That sounds like VB message to me, which
> would indicate that you are using the wrong data type for TotalItems.
> (Check that you did not mistakenly declare it as Integer.) Then again,
> it does not seem that you would get anything back from the procedure
> at all. But maybe that is the problem? You get some unintialised junk?
>> Below is my finding:
>> a. When I run the stored procedure in the SQL analyzer, it works just
>> fine.
> And it completes in how long time?
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
> ads/books.mspx
> Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at
> .mspx

Re: ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 05.06.2007 10:11:18 von Erland Sommarskog

Ben ( writes:
> I timed the execution: 1 minute. Then it gives me the overflow error.

Does it run for one minute in QA as well?

> I double checked the code especially the declarations, and they seem to
> okay. The "TotalItems" var in the calling method uses "long" as its
> data type. The "@TotalInStock" OUTPUT var in the stored procedure is
> declared as "int". They seem to be okay.

And the data type for TotalCost is?

> Is there an issue between the number of open connections to the database?

No, that has nothing to do with it.

There were a couple of more issues with your code that I pointed out,
but you did not comment these. The code you posted will not work for
reasons I've already detailed.

It may be that you did not post the actual code, but just scribbled down a
sketch and introduced a few errors along the way. But in that case, I don't
know what you are doing, so I cannot say more than I've already said.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at ads/books.mspx
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at .mspx

Re: ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 05.06.2007 13:24:08 von Ben

I made th necessary changes. Below are the current scripts for both the
calling method and the
store procedure. Variable "ItemNum" is being passed as a string parameter to
the recalculate

'**************************** This is the script in the calling method
Dim TotalCost As Currency, TotalItems As Long, AvgCost As Currency
Dim CurDB As Database, Inv As Recordset, InvP As Recordset, SQLStmt As
String, SQLStmt2 As String

Dim com As ADODB.Command

Set com = New ADODB.Command

With com
.ActiveConnection = "DSN=YES2;DATABASE=YES100SQLC;"
.CommandText = "sp_Recalculate"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Parameters("@ItemNumber") = ItemNum

TotalItems = .Parameters("@TotalInStock")
TotalCost = .Parameters("@TotalCost")
End With

Set com = Nothing

============================================================ ====

'*************************** This is the current script in the stored
procedure *******************
@ItemNumber nvarchar(50),
@TotalInStock int = 0 OUTPUT,
@TotalCost money = 0 OUTPUT
SELECT @TotalInStock = Sum([Quantity in Stock]),
@TotalCost = Sum([Cost] * [Quantity in Stock])
FROM [Inventory Products]
WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber

"Erland Sommarskog" wrote in message
> Ben ( writes:
>> I timed the execution: 1 minute. Then it gives me the overflow error.
> Does it run for one minute in QA as well?
>> I double checked the code especially the declarations, and they seem to
>> okay. The "TotalItems" var in the calling method uses "long" as its
>> data type. The "@TotalInStock" OUTPUT var in the stored procedure is
>> declared as "int". They seem to be okay.
> And the data type for TotalCost is?
>> Is there an issue between the number of open connections to the database?
> No, that has nothing to do with it.
> There were a couple of more issues with your code that I pointed out,
> but you did not comment these. The code you posted will not work for
> reasons I've already detailed.
> It may be that you did not post the actual code, but just scribbled down a
> sketch and introduced a few errors along the way. But in that case, I
> don't
> know what you are doing, so I cannot say more than I've already said.
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
> ads/books.mspx
> Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at
> .mspx

Re: ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 05.06.2007 13:44:43 von Ben

I also changed the stored procedure name to "procRecalculate".

"Erland Sommarskog" wrote in message
> Ben ( writes:
>> I timed the execution: 1 minute. Then it gives me the overflow error.
> Does it run for one minute in QA as well?
>> I double checked the code especially the declarations, and they seem to
>> okay. The "TotalItems" var in the calling method uses "long" as its
>> data type. The "@TotalInStock" OUTPUT var in the stored procedure is
>> declared as "int". They seem to be okay.
> And the data type for TotalCost is?
>> Is there an issue between the number of open connections to the database?
> No, that has nothing to do with it.
> There were a couple of more issues with your code that I pointed out,
> but you did not comment these. The code you posted will not work for
> reasons I've already detailed.
> It may be that you did not post the actual code, but just scribbled down a
> sketch and introduced a few errors along the way. But in that case, I
> don't
> know what you are doing, so I cannot say more than I've already said.
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
> ads/books.mspx
> Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at
> .mspx

Re: ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 05.06.2007 22:39:48 von Erland Sommarskog

Ben ( writes:
> I made th necessary changes. Below are the current scripts for both the
> calling method and the store procedure. Variable "ItemNum" is being
> passed as a string parameter to the recalculate method.

Do you still get the overflow error, or does it work alright now?

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at ads/books.mspx
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at .mspx

Re: ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 06.06.2007 01:50:39 von Ben

This is the current scripts of the application:

Dim com As ADODB.Command
Dim MyItemNumber As String, MyTotalInStock As Long, MyTotalCost As

Set com = New ADODB.Command

MyItemNumber = ItemNum
MyTotalInStock = 0
MyTotalCost = 0

With com
.ActiveConnection = "DSN=YES2;DATABASE=YES100SQLC;"
.CommandText = "procRecalculate"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ItemNumber", adVarChar,
adParamInput, MyItemNumber)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("TotalInStock", adInteger,
adParamOutput, MyTotalInStock)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("TotalCost", adCurrency,
adParamOutput, MyTotalCost)

End With

Set com = Nothing

If IsNull(MyTotalInStock) Then MyTotalInStock = 0
If IsNull(MyTotalCost) Then MyTotalCost = 0

TotalItems = MyTotalInStock
TotalCost = MyTotalCost

@ItemNumber nvarchar(50),
@TotalInStock int = 0 OUTPUT,
@TotalCost money = 0 OUTPUT

SELECT @TotalInStock = Sum(Cast([Quantity in Stock] As int)),
@TotalCost = Sum(Cast([Cost] * [Quantity in Stock] As money))
FROM [Inventory Products]
WHERE [Item Number] = @ItemNumber


Unfortunately, I still get the same error. But this time, I get it in a

"Erland Sommarskog" wrote in message
> Ben ( writes:
>> I made th necessary changes. Below are the current scripts for both the
>> calling method and the store procedure. Variable "ItemNum" is being
>> passed as a string parameter to the recalculate method.
> Do you still get the overflow error, or does it work alright now?
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
> ads/books.mspx
> Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at
> .mspx

Re: ADODB Command (Stored Procedure)

am 06.06.2007 23:27:34 von Erland Sommarskog

Ben ( writes:
> This is the current scripts of the application:
> .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ItemNumber", adVarChar,
>adParamInput, MyItemNumber)
> .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("TotalInStock", adInteger,
> adParamOutput, MyTotalInStock)
> .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("TotalCost", adCurrency,
> adParamOutput, MyTotalCost)

Here is an error: .CreateParameter takes five parameter of which the
fourth is the size, and the fifth is the value. Thus you need to insert
an extra comma after adParamInput, adParamOutput.

> Unfortunately, I still get the same error. But this time, I get it in a
> second.

Well, at least some progress. :-)
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at ads/books.mspx
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at .mspx