How to?

How to?

am 05.06.2007 13:02:40 von lemes_m

I have table with following structure:

Cust Amount Type
1 150.00 1
1 100.00 2

I would like to get query result:

Cust Type1 Type2
1 150.00 0.00
1 0.00 100.00

How to do this with query?

Re: How to?

am 05.06.2007 14:23:54 von masri999

On Jun 5, 4:02 pm, Mirnes wrote:
> I have table with following structure:
> Cust Amount Type
> 1 150.00 1
> 1 100.00 2
> I would like to get query result:
> Cust Type1 Type2
> 1 150.00 0.00
> 1 0.00 100.00
> How to do this with query?

create table #customer( cust int,amount numeric(10,2), type int)
insert into #customer values (1,150.00,1)
insert into #customer values (1,100.00,2)

select cust,
case when type = 1 then amount else 0.00 end as type1 ,
case when type = 2 then amount else 0.00 end as type2
from #customer

drop table #customer

Re: How to?

am 05.06.2007 14:28:49 von Plamen Ratchev

You can use CASE, like this:

CASE WHEN Type = 1
THEN Amount ELSE 0.0 END AS Type1,
CASE WHEN Type = 2
THEN Amount ELSE 0.0 END AS Type2
FROM Foobar


Plamen Ratchev

Re: How to?

am 05.06.2007 18:50:06 von Ed Murphy

Mirnes wrote:

> I have table with following structure:
> Cust Amount Type
> 1 150.00 1
> 1 100.00 2
> I would like to get query result:
> Cust Type1 Type2
> 1 150.00 0.00
> 1 0.00 100.00
> How to do this with query?

In addition to the CASE solution already posted, SQL Server 2005
allows some sort of explicit pivot functionality. I've never used
it, though, so I don't remember the syntax.

Re: How to?

am 05.06.2007 20:00:35 von Joe Celko

Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys,
constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in
your schema are. Sample data is also a good idea, along with clear
specifications. It is very hard to debug code when you do not let us
see it.