best way to add column not null

best way to add column not null

am 06.06.2007 00:08:44 von Jeff Kish


I've read up on this, and have something that works, but I was wondering if
there is anything I'm overlooking with this.

Situation is:

I have a bunch of tables.. I need to modify table2 as part of an upgrade of a
database schema.

I am using T-SQL scripts to do the trick which I'm writing myself.

I need to add a new varchar(8) column that is not null to the primary key.
I have a default I would like to use for the initial ddl modification.
I want to get rid of the default after the modification is complete, but leave
the column not null for future operations.

(Some if the code I'm using I took from one of Erlands posts.. hope I'm not
abusing it).
Here is the code I'm using now.. it basically adds the column 'institution_id'
as not null along with a default.
Then I jump through a couple of hoops trying to get rid of the default.
Finally I setup the primary key again.

I can only feel I'm supposed to be maybe using a constraint column with a name
to do this easier/more properly.

set @dynamicsql = ' alter table institution_xref add institution_id
varchar(60) not null default ''' + @default_institution_id + ''' '
EXEC (@dynamicsql)
set @dynamicsql = ' alter table institution_xref alter column
institution_id varchar(60) not null '
EXEC (@dynamicsql)
select @institution_iddefault = object_name(cdefault) from syscolumns
where id = object_id('institution_xref') and name = 'institution_id'
exec(' alter table institution_xref drop constraint ' +
set @dynamicsql = ' alter table institution_xref drop constraint
institution_xref_pk '
EXEC (@dynamicsql)
set @dynamicsql = ' alter table institution_xref with nocheck add
constraint institution_xref_pk primary key clustered (originalcode,
institution_id) '
EXEC (@dynamicsql)

Jeff Kish

Re: best way to add column not null

am 06.06.2007 00:28:21 von Erland Sommarskog

Jeff Kish ( writes:
> I need to add a new varchar(8) column that is not null to the primary key.

Ouch! That can be paintful, at least if there are foreign keys
referencing the table.

> abusing it).
> Here is the code I'm using now.. it basically adds the column
> 'institution_id'
> as not null along with a default.
> Then I jump through a couple of hoops trying to get rid of the default.
> Finally I setup the primary key again.
> I can only feel I'm supposed to be maybe using a constraint column with
> a name to do this easier/more properly.

Yes, if you name the constraint it's a little easier:

> set @dynamicsql = ' alter table institution_xref add institution_id
> varchar(60) not null default ''' + @default_institution_id + ''' '

....not null CONSTRAINT my_temp_default DEFAULT ''' ...

> EXEC (@dynamicsql)


Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at ads/books.mspx
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at .mspx

Re: best way to add column not null

am 06.06.2007 16:20:03 von Jeff Kish

On Tue, 5 Jun 2007 22:28:21 +0000 (UTC), Erland Sommarskog

>Jeff Kish ( writes:
>> I need to add a new varchar(8) column that is not null to the primary key.
>Ouch! That can be paintful, at least if there are foreign keys
>referencing the table.
>> abusing it).
>> Here is the code I'm using now.. it basically adds the column
>> 'institution_id'
>> as not null along with a default.
>> Then I jump through a couple of hoops trying to get rid of the default.
>> Finally I setup the primary key again.
>> I can only feel I'm supposed to be maybe using a constraint column with
>> a name to do this easier/more properly.
>Yes, if you name the constraint it's a little easier:
>> set @dynamicsql = ' alter table institution_xref add institution_id
>> varchar(60) not null default ''' + @default_institution_id + ''' '
>...not null CONSTRAINT my_temp_default DEFAULT ''' ...
>> EXEC (@dynamicsql)
> ALTER TABLE ... DROP CONSTRAINT my_temp_default
thanks. much!
Jeff Kish