Re: BDE Administrator
am 12.06.2007 18:36:17 von Sebastian GottschalkTom Hall wrote:
> There's an applet in my Control Panel called BDE Administrator which
> appears to have been installed along with Wordperfect Office 11. The
> annoyance is that this applet seems to want a username and password, but is
> unhappy with whatever I feed it - (XP username/password, etc).
> I haven't set this up - in fact, I wasn't aware of its presence until
> today, although I installed WP back in April. The About for the applet says
> "BDE Administrator Version 5.01, Copyright 1998 Inprise Corporation".
> Can anyone help me access this applet?
If you don't have any database setup with the Borland Database Engine, tehn
you really shouldn't wonder that you can't provide username/password for any