HELP: ASP JScript & VBScript interoperability
am 15.06.2007 18:24:24 von andrewwan1980
How can VBScript code access JScript code variables in the same ASP
Also, is this valid JScript code because ASP hasn't complained.
Basically it's like JScript's way of declaring classes.
How can VBScript code create a Section object?
Also, is it possible to nest
ASP didn't complain. But couldn't test whether the JScript functions
Section were member functions of the VBScript AClass.
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Re: HELP: ASP JScript & VBScript interoperability
am 16.06.2007 06:55:03 von exjxw.hannivoort
andrewwan1980 wrote on 15 jun 2007 in
> Also, is it possible to nest
> ASP didn't complain.
ASP cannot complain, it is a language, the interpreter could,
but there is no sense to put cliendside scripting in a serverside class.
> But couldn't test whether the JScript functions
> Section were member functions of the VBScript AClass.
1 You are confusingly mixing serverside and clientside scripting.
2 There are NO asp pages, only asp files. asp files are interpreted on
the server, and mostly a resulting html page [be it most often still with
a .asp extension] is sent to the browser INCLUDING clientside scripting
3 you can mix asp serverside(!) vbscript with asp serverside(!!!) jscript
by using the runat=server, example:
<% 'default vbscript assumed
response.write greetingz(3)
The Netherlands.
(Please change the x'es to dots in my emailaddress)