Output Column names in each Row along with the row Value
Output Column names in each Row along with the row Value
am 29.06.2007 12:09:59 von Yas
I was wondering if anyone can help me figure something out.
Is it possible to do a querey in MS SQL server and have the results
returned so that each result in each row is preceeded by the column
eg. instead of usual output -> colName1, colValue1,
colName2,colValue2,colName3,colValue3 ?
Also I would like to only have this for certain columns ie in the
above example only for columns 2 and 3
Thank you! :-)
Re: Output Column names in each Row along with the row Value
am 29.06.2007 14:27:03 von masri999
On Jun 29, 3:09 pm, Yas wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone can help me figure something out.
> Is it possible to do a querey in MS SQL server and have the results
> returned so that each result in each row is preceeded by the column
> name?
> eg. instead of usual output -> colName1, colValue1,
> colName2,colValue2,colName3,colValue3 ?
> Also I would like to only have this for certain columns ie in the
> above example only for columns 2 and 3
> Thank you! :-)
> Yas
Not sure what you are actually looking at
create table #temp (col1 int, col2 int , col3 varchar(10))
insert into #temp values (1,10,'abcd')
insert into #temp values (2,20,'efgh')
select col1, ' col2:'+cast(col2 as varchar(10))+ '-col3:'+col3 as
from #temp
drop table #temp
Re: Output Column names in each Row along with the row Value
am 29.06.2007 20:32:20 von Yas
On 29 Jun, 14:27, M A Srinivas wrote:
> On Jun 29, 3:09 pm, Yas wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I was wondering if anyone can help me figure something out.
> > Is it possible to do a querey in MS SQL server and have the results
> > returned so that each result in each row is preceeded by the column
> > name?
> > eg. instead of usual output -> colName1, colValue1,
> > colName2,colValue2,colName3,colValue3 ?
> > Also I would like to only have this for certain columns ie in the
> > above example only for columns 2 and 3
> > Thank you! :-)
> > Yas
> Not sure what you are actually looking at
Hi, thanks for the response. Basically I want to have a query in a DTS
package that outputs to a text file with each line containing 1 row of
What I would like to have is on each line before a given value is
written the column header for that value is also written. the file is
a semicolon delimmeted file so it would look something like this....
FirstName;firstNameValue;SecondName;secondNameValue;Occupati on;occupationValue..etc
Now I can just do...
SELECT 'FirstName', firstName, 'SecondName', secondName,
'Occupation' occupation
FROM Table1
Which would output the table I want with the values between '' showing
up in unnamed columns.... BUT is there a better way of doing this?
especially as I want to do this in a DTS package Export Data which
esentially has a create table type command to ouptut to a text file
and throws errors that destination column name not defined.
Thanks :-)
> create table #temp (col1 int, col2 int , col3 varchar(10))
> insert into #temp values (1,10,'abcd')
> insert into #temp values (2,20,'efgh')
> select col1, ' col2:'+cast(col2 as varchar(10))+ '-col3:'+col3 as
> col23
> from #temp
> drop table #temp
Re: Output Column names in each Row along with the row Value
am 29.06.2007 23:38:49 von Erland Sommarskog
Yas (yasar1@gmail.com) writes:
> Now I can just do...
> SELECT 'FirstName', firstName, 'SecondName', secondName,
> 'Occupation' occupation
> FROM Table1
> Which would output the table I want with the values between '' showing
> up in unnamed columns.... BUT is there a better way of doing this?
That would indeed be the way to do it.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel@sommarskog.se
Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/downlo ads/books.mspx
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at
http://www.microsoft.com/sql/prodinfo/previousversions/books .mspx
Re: Output Column names in each Row along with the row Value
am 01.07.2007 12:52:56 von Yas
On 29 Jun, 23:38, Erland Sommarskog wrote:
> Yas (yas...@gmail.com) writes:
> > Now I can just do...
> > SELECT 'FirstName', firstName, 'SecondName', secondName,
> > 'Occupation' occupation
> > FROM Table1
> > Which would output the table I want with the values between '' showing
> > up in unnamed columns.... BUT is there a better way of doing this?
> That would indeed be the way to do it.
Thanks! :-)