DBD::Oracle using 64bit oracle libraries

DBD::Oracle using 64bit oracle libraries

am 06.07.2007 20:29:32 von DKing

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I am trying to use DBD ::Oracle for a software package called OTRS. A =
problem I am running into is that perl seems to be trying to use the 64 =
bit library file called libclntsh.so.10.1 located on my computer in the =
directory /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_3/lib/ and I need it to use =
the 32 bit library file located in =


Does anyone know how I go about changing where it looks for the =
libclntsh.so file?


Thanks for any help provided.


Dan King
Software Developer
Canadian Resident Matching Service
613.237.0075 ext. 241
(Toll free) 877.CARMS.42
171 Nepean Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, ON, CAN K2P 0B4
www.carms.ca =20

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Re: DBD::Oracle using 64bit oracle libraries

am 06.07.2007 23:11:03 von scoles

common problem one I will fix as soon as I get a 64 bit box

here is some readme stuff the might pooint you in the right direction

In general compiling DBD:Oracle for 64 bit machines has been a hit or miss
The main thing to remember is you will have to compile using 32 bit Perl and
compile DBD::Oracle against a 32bit client
which sort of defeats the purpose of having a 64bit box.
So until 64bit Perl comes out we will be posing in this README any success
stories we have come across

Source:Tom Reinertson

The following instructions work for dbd::oracle 1.19 on a gentoo-amd64

1) install the oracle libraries

Strictly speaking you only need dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic
for dbd::oracle, but i always like to have sql*plus lying around,
which requires the basic package, so i just install sql*plus.

emerge dev-db/oracle-instantclient-sqlplus which also pulls in
dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic. these packages are fetch
restricted so you will be required to follow the download instructions.
following these instructions, you should have retrieved these packages:


now move them into the /usr/portage/distfiles directory.

you should now be able to emerge dev-db/oracle-instantclient-sqlplus.

2) install DBD::Oracle

issue the command:

perl -MCPAN -e'install DBD::Oracle'

this fails with the following error:

x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: unrecognized option '-wchar-stdc++'
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: unrecognized option '-cxxlib-gcc'
cc1: error: /ee/dev/bastring.h: No such file or directory

find the offending files in your cpan directory:
{~/.cpan/build/DBD-Oracle-1.19} grep -lr cxxlib *

edit these files and remove the two invalid options and the include of

now build the module:

perl Makefile.PL -l
# make test generates lots of errors
make test
make install

you should now be ready to run.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan King"
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 2:29 PM
Subject: DBD::Oracle using 64bit oracle libraries


I am trying to use DBD ::Oracle for a software package called OTRS. A
problem I am running into is that perl seems to be trying to use the 64 bit
library file called libclntsh.so.10.1 located on my computer in the
directory /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_3/lib/ and I need it to use the
32 bit library file located in /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_3/lib32

Does anyone know how I go about changing where it looks for the libclntsh.so

Thanks for any help provided.

Dan King
Software Developer
Canadian Resident Matching Service
613.237.0075 ext. 241
(Toll free) 877.CARMS.42
171 Nepean Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, ON, CAN K2P 0B4

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