am 09.07.2007 10:17:59 von Brian TelfordHow do I prevent users bypassing a home page? ie Going direct to
mysite/forum/index.php instead of mysite/index.htm
How do I prevent users bypassing a home page? ie Going direct to
mysite/forum/index.php instead of mysite/index.htm
In article
"Brian Telford"
> How do I prevent users bypassing a home page? ie Going direct to
> mysite/forum/index.php instead of mysite/index.htm
you can't, unless you start relying on cookies/sessions/... In that last
case, you have to set a short-life cookie for the user on
mysite/index.htm and check for that cookie on mysite/forum/* needless to
say that it's not very effective, and that it may become a real pain for
"Brian Telford"
> How do I prevent users bypassing a home page? ie Going direct to
> mysite/forum/index.php instead of mysite/index.htm
Make use of the environment variables, Referrer, SetEnvIf, and AllowFrom in
I'd have to play around with it some but I'm sure someone else can give you
something a lot better, or give you some code to work with.
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