Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") on another serve
am 17.07.2007 20:36:25 von Todd
trying to access files located on another server within the network. the
folder is shared out and we created a virtual directory as well.
The error is Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c' Path not found
Here is my code
dim fs,fo,x
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fo=fs.GetFolder("\\hostname\procedures")
for each x in fo.files
'Print the name of all files in the test folder
Response.write(x.Name & "
set fo=nothing
set fs=nothing
....tried some MS solutions;en-us;Q197 964
and tabase-or-text-file-on-another-server.html
The previous was from a post on this page from May 2007.
Thank You in advance for any help you might provide
Re: Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") on another s
am 18.07.2007 20:00:02 von Todd
"Jon Paal [MSMD]" wrote:
> this may help
I've tried the WshNetwork route...still cant' get a successful connection
but I'm getting other error messages which suggest to me that at least it can
see the map.
I've been trying different drive letters usernames, passwords etc to try and
get a successful hookup.
However, when I run the code now it knocks out my IIS (or so it
appears)......I have to go and reboot the webserver. Wondering whats causing
that. Heres the script
Set WshShell = server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshNetwork = server.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set CheckDrive = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives()
AlreadyConnected = False
DriveLetter = "P:" 'DriveLetter must be a CAPITAL letter
RemotePath = "\\server\sharedfolder"
username = "domainname\username"
pass = "password"
choice = "false"
if CheckDrive.count > 0 then
For i = 0 To CheckDrive.Count - 1
If CheckDrive.Item(i) = DriveLetter Then AlreadyConnected = True
If AlreadyConnected = True then
WshNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive DriveLetter
WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive DriveLetter, RemotePath, choice, username, pass
WshShell.PopUp "Drive " & DriveLetter & "Disconnected, then connected
WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive DriveLetter, RemotePath, choice, username, pass
WshShell.PopUp "Drive " & DriveLetter & " connected successfully."
End if
WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive DriveLetter, RemotePath, choice, username, pass
***this is where is hangs***
WshShell.PopUp "Drive " & DriveLetter & " connected successfully."
end if
Thank You for your assistance