Consistent Textarea size across browsers
am 20.07.2007 18:46:52 von burke
In firefox, the inputs and the textarea are the same size. In IE, the
inputs are (extremely slightly, if at all) larger, and the textarea is
much smaller (narrower). Is there a way to make both edges line up
Re: Consistent Textarea size across browsers
am 20.07.2007 18:49:47 von burke
Wow. It turns out you can do that with the CSS width attribute. I
always assumed that didn't work for some reason.
On Jul 20, 11:46 am, Burke Libbey wrote:
> In firefox, the inputs and the textarea are the same size. In IE, the
> inputs are (extremely slightly, if at all) larger, and the textarea is
> much smaller (narrower). Is there a way to make both edges line up
> cross-browser?\
> Thanks.
> /burke