Strange <table> behaviour

Strange <table> behaviour

am 23.07.2007 11:32:01 von Francisco Ramos

Hello all

I'm getting a very strange behaviour with my

html elements when
designing my aspx.
See this screenshot:

This screen is formed by several frames. The top table has 2 rows, one being
100% with (correct) and one row of four
, with the first three having
their width parameter fixed (to 80, 250 and 228 pixels). In Visual Studio
2005 I see it right, but when I run it locally, or publish to another server,
it shows like in the screenshot.
The same happens more or less with the height of the bottom frame O.o

Here is the code of the top table, if it helps (only the design part, and
i've removed some javascripts)

Thanks a lot in advance

Francisco Ramos


marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="text-align: center">


height="76" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-collapse: collapse">

onclick="parent.frames['contenidos'].location.href='planes.a spx'"
class="cabecera" id="id1" onmouseout="imguc.src='images/logoweb.jpg'"

onclick="parent.frames['contenidos'].location.href='paginas/ presentacion.aspx'"
class="cabecera" id="id2" onmouseout="imguc.src='images/logoweb.jpg'"

onclick="parent.frames['contenidos'].location.href='paginas/ ayuda.aspx'"
class="cabecera" id="id3" onmouseout="imguc.src='images/logoweb.jpg'"

id="id4" onmouseout="imguc.src='images/logoweb.jpg'"
onmouseover="imguc.src='images/cefont_blancoverde.gif'">CeFo NT

onclick="parent.frames['contenidos'].location.href='paginas/ enlaces.aspx'"
class="cabecera" id="id5" onmouseout="imguc.src='images/logoweb.jpg'"

onclick="parent.frames['contenidos'].location.href='paginas/ contacto.aspx'"
class="cabecera" id="id6" onmouseout="imguc.src='images/logoweb.jpg'"