Re: hi
am 06.08.2007 09:48:14 von exjxw.hannivoort
wrote on 06 aug 2007 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:
> HI i m in starange problem.I develop asp pages using front page
Advice: DON'T use Frontpage at all or at least not till you are proficient
using asp and html without it.
If it is a frontpage problem,
it quite possibly is not a classic asp problem.
> and I give a good look to my form but when it runs
What runs, a running form?
> many of the field lenght and size is changed.
That cannot be an asp problem it seems.
asp runs serverside and produces a html stream that is sent to the browser.
> Just it show my form in disorder way. I use
> broswer internet explorer. Please help me.
Do you have your page on the web? Then IE only testing seem inadaequate.
Could you make a code example as short as possible that exhibits your
The Netherlands.
(Please change the x'es to dots in my emailaddress)