(Re)announcing APL 2007

(Re)announcing APL 2007

am 06.08.2007 05:54:09 von Mike Kent

APL 2007 conference on Array Programming

co-located with OOPSLA 2007


Where: Montreal

When: October 21 (tutorials)
October 22/23 (main conference program)

Keynote Guy Steele
speaker: Sun Microsystems Laboratories

Info: http://www.sigapl.org/apl2007.html
Registration: http://www.regmaster.com/conf/OOP07/oop07.pdf

OOPSLA: http://www.OOPSLA.org/oopsla2007

Re: (Re)announcing APL 2007

am 06.08.2007 15:20:30 von Paul Mansour

On Aug 5, 11:54 pm, Mike Kent wrote:
> APL 2007 conference on Array Programming
> co-located with OOPSLA 2007
> Sponsor: ACM SIGAPL
> Where: Montreal
> When: October 21 (tutorials)
> October 22/23 (main conference program)

APL2007 Roll Call: Is anyone going to this?

I'm thinking about going, but I don't want to the only one to show up,
as in San Diego.

Re: (Re)announcing APL 2007

am 09.08.2007 14:25:52 von Steve

On Aug 6, 7:20 am, Paul Mansour wrote:
> On Aug 5, 11:54 pm, Mike Kent wrote:
> > APL 2007 conference on Array Programming
> > co-located with OOPSLA 2007
> > Sponsor: ACM SIGAPL
> > Where: Montreal
> > When: October 21 (tutorials)
> > October 22/23 (main conference program)
> APL2007 Roll Call: Is anyone going to this?
> I'm thinking about going, but I don't want to the only one to show up,
> as in San Diego.

I'm going.

Re: (Re)announcing APL 2007

am 10.08.2007 18:40:41 von rjp

On Aug 6, 9:20 am, Paul Mansour wrote:

> APL2007 Roll Call: Is anyone going to this?
> I'm thinking about going, but I don't want to the only one to show up,
> as in San Diego.

Here here.

Sorry to mention the elephant in the room, but this discussion begs
the obvious question: what is the rationale for putting on this
conference? Perhaps I missed that discussion, and if so, please
excuse me.

As we know, there are already two well-attended APL vendor conferences
in the world each year, plus several other more local gatherings.

Speaking as an APL consultant and product distributor, this puts
people in a tough spot, since we now have at least three events to
consider travelling to and attending (assuming APL2000 is hosting its
usual Florida event this year?).

I suppose I should be happy for another opportunity to meet and
network with potential APL colleagues and customers, but if it's
mainly the same small audience at each event, the costs are hard to
justify more than once per year.

I don't have any answers to this dilemma yet, but I think it requires
a lot more discussion. Just putting on a conference and hoping people
attend may, at this point I think, be somewhat counterproductive.


Re: (Re)announcing APL 2007

am 14.08.2007 19:54:51 von Bob Armstrong

On Aug 6, 7:20 am, Paul Mansour wrote:
> APL2007 Roll Call: Is anyone going to this?

I'm thinking of going also , setting up some arrangement to provide
an introductory tutorial to my free and open 4th.CoSy .

My website is transiting between hosts so I don't recommend even
looking at it right now . But by the end of the month I should be
uploading a system with the Forth integrated and usable multiple
windows ala K's "electric gui" .

Hopefully by conference time , I'll have my recursive , quite APLish
syntax , interpreter working .

Re: (Re)announcing APL 2007

am 16.08.2007 15:46:58 von glarocque

On Aug 10, 12:40 pm, r...@ca.inter.net wrote:
> On Aug 6, 9:20 am, Paul Mansour wrote:
> > APL2007 Roll Call: Is anyone going to this?
> > I'm thinking about going, but I don't want to the only one to show up,
> > as in San Diego.
> Here here.
> Sorry to mention the elephant in the room, but this discussion begs
> the obvious question: what is the rationale for putting on this
> conference? Perhaps I missed that discussion, and if so, please
> excuse me.
> As we know, there are already two well-attended APL vendor conferences
> in the world each year, plus several other more local gatherings.
> Speaking as an APL consultant and product distributor, this puts
> people in a tough spot, since we now have at least three events to
> consider travelling to and attending (assuming APL2000 is hosting its
> usual Florida event this year?).
> I suppose I should be happy for another opportunity to meet and
> network with potential APL colleagues and customers, but if it's
> mainly the same small audience at each event, the costs are hard to
> justify more than once per year.
> I don't have any answers to this dilemma yet, but I think it requires
> a lot more discussion. Just putting on a conference and hoping people
> attend may, at this point I think, be somewhat counterproductive.
> ...richard


In your comments you were concerned by the fact that the rationale for
APL2007 was not clear. You also mentioned that there was some sort of
a conflict with two APL vendor conferences. When the decision was made
to hold a conference in the fall of 2007, the members of the steering
committee were well aware that there was a potential conflict with APL
vendor workshops. However, we had a discussion about this issue and
finally concluded that it was a good idea to go ahead with APL2007 for
two reasons. First, the idea to hold APL2007 is to have users of
different Array Programming Languages (including APL, J, K, NIAL and
other related languages) attend the conference. SIGAPL, in addition to
fostering the discussion between array programming languages
themselves, aims to promote the array processing paradigm and its
richness in contrast to the scalar one. It is SIGAPL's vision to serve
as a counterpoint in the programming community by facilitating
communications among researchers, developers and users of Array
Programming Languages. APL2007 will be an excellent opportunity to
promote our core values in the mainstream programming community
through our conference agenda, tutorials and discussion panels. This
will benefit APL and all Array Programming Languages. Second, there
was an opportunity to meet jointly with OOPSLA. Thus, APL2007
attendees will have the opportunity to spend a few more days and
attend other presentations on object oriented programming. As far as
APL is concerned, there has been development in object oriented
programming in some APL versions. I am confident that all the APL
vendors and many APL consultants and users will attend the conference,
along with researchers, consultants or users of Array Programming
Languages. So, I am looking forward to meeting you at APL2007.

Guy Larocque
SIGAPL Chairman