Search MySQL
am 15.08.2007 20:30:17 von groups000
I am looking for some advice on the best way to split up a search
field on a web for so I can use the data to search a table in MySQL.
Right now the data comes into the script as one string. For example, I
have a product in my table that has a Manufacturer of SONY, a Product
ID of 12345 and a Description of Color LCD. If my user searches for
any of those 3 things individually the product will come up but if the
search for SONY Color it will not since it looks for the entire
string. Below is the current code I am using. I have tried using MATCH
and Fulltext indexing but that doesn't work right either.
Thanks in advance for any help.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
use DBI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
#Create new CGI object
my $cgi = new CGI;
#Connect to DB
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:XXXXX:XXXXX","XXXXX","XXXXX") or die
#Print html header
print $cgi->header("text/html");
#pull in keyword from form
my $keyword = $cgi->param("keyword");
#prepare statement
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT *
FROM `productTable`
WHERE `mfg` like '%$keyword%'
OR `productID` like '%$keyword%'
OR `desc` like '%$keyword%'") or die;
#execute statement
$sth->execute() or die;
#print results
while (my $rec = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
print qq(
$rec->{mfg} |
$rec->{productID} |
$rec->{desc} |
Re: Search MySQL
am 15.08.2007 21:17:31 von Jim Gibson
In article <>,
> I am looking for some advice on the best way to split up a search
> field on a web for so I can use the data to search a table in MySQL.
> Right now the data comes into the script as one string. For example, I
> have a product in my table that has a Manufacturer of SONY, a Product
> ID of 12345 and a Description of Color LCD. If my user searches for
> any of those 3 things individually the product will come up but if the
> search for SONY Color it will not since it looks for the entire
> string. Below is the current code I am using. I have tried using MATCH
> and Fulltext indexing but that doesn't work right either.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
You can split on whitespace:
@words = split " ", $string;
You can find all words (contiguous substrings of 1-9, a-z, A-Z, _):
@words = $string =~ m{ \w+ }gx;
You can find all 5-digit or longer numbers:
@numbers = $string =~ m{ \d{5,} }gx;
What you do with these is then up to you.
Jim Gibson
Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Re: Search MySQL
am 16.08.2007 01:47:05 von Ron Bergin
On Aug 15, 11:30 am, wrote:
> I am looking for some advice on the best way to split up a search
> field on a web for so I can use the data to search a table in MySQL.
> Right now the data comes into the script as one string. For example, I
> have a product in my table that has a Manufacturer of SONY, a Product
> ID of 12345 and a Description of Color LCD. If my user searches for
> any of those 3 things individually the product will come up but if the
> search for SONY Color it will not since it looks for the entire
> string. Below is the current code I am using. I have tried using MATCH
> and Fulltext indexing but that doesn't work right either.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use CGI;
> use DBI;
> use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
> #Create new CGI object
> my $cgi = new CGI;
> #Connect to DB
> my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:XXXXX:XXXXX","XXXXX","XXXXX") or die
> $DBI::errstr;
> #Print html header
> print $cgi->header("text/html");
> #pull in keyword from form
> my $keyword = $cgi->param("keyword");
> #prepare statement
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT *
> FROM `productTable`
> WHERE `mfg` like '%$keyword%'
> OR `productID` like '%$keyword%'
> OR `desc` like '%$keyword%'") or die;
> #execute statement
> $sth->execute() or die;
> #print results
> while (my $rec = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
> print qq(
> $rec->{mfg} |
> $rec->{productID} |
> $rec->{desc} |
> );
> }
It would be much better to have 3 or more form fields (brand,
part_number, description, etc) instead of lumping them into 1 var.
Re: Search MySQL
am 16.08.2007 18:59:45 von Ted Zlatanov
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 18:30:17 -0000 wrote:
g> #pull in keyword from form
g> my $keyword = $cgi->param("keyword");
At least do s/\W//g to remove all non-word characters, after splitting.
Generally you should treat all external input as dangerous in a CGI
environment; see "perldoc -q cgi":
"How do I make sure users can't enter values into a form that cause my
CGI script to do bad things?
See the security references listed in the CGI Meta FAQ"
Here's an implementation of what you're trying to do. I would use
placeholders and a ORM mapper like Rose::DB::Object to achieve this, but
I hope it at least shows you how to use a few Perl techniques.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $keyword = "hello there;;; you";
my @keywords;
foreach (split ' ', $keyword)
push @keywords, $_;
print "@keywords\n"; # 'hello', 'there', 'you'
my $st = "SELECT * FROM `productTable` WHERE %s";
my @column_clauses;
foreach my $column (qw/mfg productID desc/)
push @column_clauses, join(' OR ', map { sprintf '`%s` LIKE \'%%%s%%\'', $column, $_ } @keywords);
$st = sprintf $st, join(' OR ', @column_clauses);
print "$st\n"; # SELECT * FROM `productTable` WHERE `mfg` LIKE '%hello%' OR `mfg` LIKE '%there%' OR `mfg` LIKE '%you%' OR `productID` LIKE '%hello%' OR `productID` LIKE '%there%' OR `productID` LIKE '%you%' OR `desc` LIKE '%hello%' OR `desc` LIKE '%there%' OR `desc` LIKE '%you%'