havoing trouble with text substitution

havoing trouble with text substitution

am 15.08.2007 23:06:01 von PaulS

I am trying to find any text in a file with the following characters in it:


and doing a substitution as follows:


but, for some reason (tell me what I am doing wrong please) PERL cannot
find the instances of r+c

Anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work?



Re: havoing trouble with text substitution

am 15.08.2007 23:46:39 von rvtol+news

pauls schreef:

> s'r+c.mod'D:/spice/r+c.mod';
> but, for some reason (tell me what I am doing wrong please) PERL


> cannot find the instances of r+c
> Anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work?

See `perldoc -f quotemeta`.



Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

Re: havoing trouble with text substitution

am 15.08.2007 23:49:01 von googler

On Aug 15, 4:06 pm, pauls wrote:
> I am trying to find any text in a file with the following characters in it:
> r+c.mod
> and doing a substitution as follows:
> s'r+c.mod'D:/spice/r+c.mod';
> but, for some reason (tell me what I am doing wrong please) PERL cannot
> find the instances of r+c
> Anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work?
> Thanks!
> P.

You need to escape the + and the . characters with a \ . So it should
look like below (not tested though)

Re: having trouble with text substitution

am 16.08.2007 00:20:46 von PaulS

googler wrote:
> On Aug 15, 4:06 pm, pauls wrote:
>> I am trying to find any text in a file with the following characters in it:
>> r+c.mod
>> and doing a substitution as follows:
>> s'r+c.mod'D:/spice/r+c.mod';
>> but, for some reason (tell me what I am doing wrong please) PERL cannot
>> find the instances of r+c
>> Anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work?
>> Thanks!
>> P.
> You need to escape the + and the . characters with a \ . So it should
> look like below (not tested though)
> s'r\+c\.mod'D:/spice/r+c.mod';
brilliant, that did the trick!!

Thanks so much, you got me out of corner!


Re: havoing trouble with text substitution

am 16.08.2007 00:28:26 von Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Dr.Ruud wrote:
> s{(?:=\Qr+c.mod\E)}{D:/spice/};
You'd better skip that colon.

But personally I would choose pinaki's solution with two plain backslashes.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Email: http://www.gunnar.cc/cgi-bin/contact.pl

Re: havoing trouble with text substitution

am 16.08.2007 00:46:47 von Tad McClellan

pauls wrote:
> I am trying to find any text in a file with the following characters in it:
> r+c.mod
> and doing a substitution as follows:
> s'r+c.mod'D:/spice/r+c.mod';
> but, for some reason (tell me what I am doing wrong please) PERL cannot
> find the instances of r+c

But it could find instances of rrrrrrc.

A plus sign in a regex means "one or more of the previous thing".

You need to backslash it if you want to match a literal plus sign.

> Anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work?


Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"

Re: havoing trouble with text substitution

am 16.08.2007 10:40:25 von rvtol+news

Gunnar Hjalmarsson schreef:
> Dr.Ruud:

>> s{(?:=\Qr+c.mod\E)}{D:/spice/};
> --------^
> You'd better skip that colon.

Yes, thanks for the correction.

> But personally I would choose pinaki's solution
> with two plain backslashes.

And I wouldn't. Often these things head for using a variable.

Many s/$search/replace/ constructs should have been written
as s/\Q$search/replace/.
(The clearest exception is when $search is built with qr{}.)

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

Re: havoing trouble with text substitution

am 17.08.2007 01:55:17 von Petr Vileta

pauls wrote:
> I am trying to find any text in a file with the following characters
> in it:
> r+c.mod
> and doing a substitution as follows:
> s'r+c.mod'D:/spice/r+c.mod';
> but, for some reason (tell me what I am doing wrong please) PERL
> cannot find the instances of r+c
You must escape + and . characters. Maybe you can use this


Note: I rather use # as alternative parentheses. The apostrophe is bad
readable for my eyes ;-)

Petr Vileta, Czech republic
(My server rejects all messages from Yahoo and Hotmail. Send me your mail
from another non-spammer site please.)