RE: Linux Red Hat 7.2 + openSSL 0.9.7 + Apache 1.3.27 + mod_ssl 2.8.1 2 = PROBLEMS!!!
am 25.02.2003 16:15:15 von Boyle OwenPLain text please..
Now you have to plough through the mail below to find my comments
Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored.
-----Original Message-----
From: Zampognaro Sergio []
Sent: Dienstag, 25. Februar 2003 15:05
Subject: Linux Red Hat 7.2 + openSSL 0.9.7 + Apache 1.3.27 + mod_ssl
2.8.1 2 = PROBLEMS!!!
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Confidential
everything is in the subject!
I installed everything following this procedure:
$ ./config --prefix=/home/aspco1/openSSL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
# extract the packages
$ gzip -d -c apache_1.3.27.tar.gz | tar xvf -
$ gzip -d -c mod_ssl-2.8.12-1.3.27.tar.gz | tar xvf -
# apply mod_ssl to Apache source tree
$ cd /mod_ssl-2.8.12-1.3.27
$ ./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.27
$ cd ..
# build/install Apache with mod_ssl
$ cd apache_1.3.27
$ SSL_BASE=/home/aspco1/openSSL
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/aspco1/apache_1.3.27 --enable-module=proxy
$ make
$ make certificate TYPE=test
$ make install
$ cd ..
# cleanup after work
$ rm -rf mod_ssl-2.8.12-1.3.27
$ rm -rf apache_1.3.27
Everything seems to be ok, but when I try to start the web server:
$ apachectl start
Ouch! ap_mm_create(1048576, "/var/run/") failed
Error: MM: mm:core: failed to open semaphore file (Permission denied):
OS: No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
************************************************************ *********
Why is apachectl in /usr/sbin/apachectl? This sounds like the default
installation that came with RH. Your apachectl and httpd should be in
/home/aspco1/apache_1.3.27/bin. What happens if you do
/home/aspco1/apache_1.3.27/bin/apachectl startssl? I think this is your
MAIN problem...
Be certain you are executing the right apache before proceeding!
Also, did you install the MM shared memory library
( I don't think it is entirely
necessary although I've never installed without it.
************************************************************ *********
Even bad with SSL:
$ apachectl startssl
usage: /usr/sbin/apachectl
(start|stop|restart|fullstatus|status|graceful|configtest|he lp)
start - start httpd
stop - stop httpd
restart - restart httpd if running by sending a SIGHUP or start if
not running
fullstatus - dump a full status screen; requires lynx and mod_status
status - dump a short status screen; requires lynx and mod_status
graceful - do a graceful restart by sending a SIGUSR1 or start if not
configtest - do a configuration syntax test
help - this screen
(startssl is not recognized!!!), and finally:
$ httpd -l
Compiled-in modules:
suexec: enabled; valid wrapper /usr/sbin/suexec
Even if I compiled with --enable-module=proxy --enable-module=ssl
options I can't see proxy and ssl modules in the list of compiled-in
What's happening???
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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
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