about CGI
am 16.08.2007 18:58:39 von john wayne
I don't know Perl to build a CGI script but I know C++. I need to
know how the server use a "file.exe" and the html page from the client
browser. In C++ the data I need to consider is stored in arrays or
variables. The html page inside the server how is stored? How a
CGI .exe can find that data? how Perl find data?
Re: about CGI
am 16.08.2007 19:12:23 von nobull67
On Aug 16, 5:58 pm, joker wrote:
> I don't know Perl to build a CGI script but I know C++. I need to
> know how the server use a "file.exe" and the html page from the client
> browser.
This appears to be a question about CGI and/or your chosen web server
This is a newsgroup about Perl.
> In C++ the data I need to consider is stored in arrays or
> variables. The html page inside the server how is stored?
However you want.
> How a CGI .exe can find that data?
Either you have not got your problem clear in your mind or your
English is not sufficient to express your problem in English. I
suggest you look for a forum where your native language is spoken and
where CGI is on-topic.
> how Perl find data?
Perl can execute a program written in another language and parse the
output. Alternatively there are ways to link or embed other languages
in perl.
Re: about CGI
am 16.08.2007 19:15:54 von Paul Lalli
On Aug 16, 12:58 pm, joker wrote:
> I don't know Perl to build a CGI script but I know C++. I need to
> know how the server use a "file.exe" and the html page from the client
> browser. In C++ the data I need to consider is stored in arrays or
> variables. The html page inside the server how is stored? How a
> CGI .exe can find that data? how Perl find data?
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
print header();
print start_html("My CGI Results page");
for my $param_name (param()) {
my $param_value = param($param_name);
print p("For the field $param_name, you entered: $param_value");
print end_html;
For more information, see the documentation of the CGI module at:
Paul Lalli
Re: about CGI
am 16.08.2007 19:33:57 von jurgenex
joker wrote:
> I don't know Perl to build a CGI script but I know C++.
Ok, then why don't you use C++ to write that CGI application?
> I need to
> know how the server use a "file.exe"
It may or it may not. Depends how that web server is configurated.
> and the html page from the client browser.
Sorry, that sentence doesn't parse for me.
> In C++ the data I need to consider is stored in arrays or
> variables. The html page inside the server how is stored?
It may be stored statically although that kind of defeats the purpose of CGI
which is normally used to generated the HTTP response on the fly.
> How a CGI .exe can find that data? how Perl find data?
Well, many different ways... Actually the same way a non-CGI-application
would find the data.
You really don't give enough relevant information to actually help you.
Re: about CGI
am 16.08.2007 19:41:40 von Sherm Pendley
"Jürgen Exner" writes:
> joker wrote:
>> How a CGI .exe can find that data? how Perl find data?
> Well, many different ways... Actually the same way a non-CGI-application
> would find the data.
With a bit of a caveat: It's fairly common practice these days to run web
servers (and, of course, their CGI children) in a chroot "jail". So the
file system that's visible to the CGI process may not in fact be the same
as that seen from a non-CGI app.
Web Hosting by West Virginians, for West Virginians: http://wv-www.net
Cocoa programming in Perl: http://camelbones.sourceforge.net
Re: about CGI
am 17.08.2007 17:38:27 von john wayne
Thanks a lot to all.
A word to Bryan
Really my english is so important?? The others guys has answered me
very well. You have to be more flexible about language...You are on
internet, DO YOU KNOW THAT?
Re: about CGI
am 18.08.2007 01:37:42 von Tad McClellan
joker wrote:
> Thanks a lot to all.
> A word to Bryan
> Really my english is so important??
When 2 out of the 3 people that replied had a problem understanding
it, then yes, it is important.
A question cannot be answered until it has first been understood.
Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"
Re: about CGI
am 18.08.2007 15:39:41 von nobull67
On Aug 17, 4:38 pm, joker wrote:
> Thanks a lot to all.
> A word to Bryan
> Really my english is so important?? The others guys has answered me
> very well. You have to be more flexible about language...You are on
> internet, DO YOU KNOW THAT?
I don't care about your poor English so long as you manage to express
yourself. (I'm not "she who must no be named").
You may consult my posting history to see that I care very much about
how well the questions are asked in terms of the asker thinking about
how they can help the answerer. I care not at all if people use very
limited English.
For the record: I don't think _anyone_ understood your question.
Paul's response only shows that he picked up on the one word "CGI". He
showed you a simple Perl CGI script and told you to RTFM. I can't
really see how Paul's example script would help you any more than the
"Synopsis" section of Perl's CGI manpage. So in effect Paul's response
was just an RTFM.
So that's two "we don't understand" responses as one "RTFM" response.
I gave you the benifit of the doubt and assumed you had a valid
question that you were unable to express clearely. I did _not_ assume
you simply could not be bothered to RTFM so I didn't think it would
help to suggest that you RTFM.
I am very sorry if I miss-judged you.