Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 17.08.2007 10:24:42 von usenet
I'm a UNIX hack, but I want to run Web Scraping Proxy on a Windows box
that does not have internet access (I'm scraping local pages). So I
installed ActivePerl. So far, so good.
But WSP needs some old SSLeay crypto modules. ActiveState doesn't
supply crypto modules (
ActivePerl/PPM/Repository) but they kindly provide a link to the
University of Winnipeg, specifically mentioning the two modules I
require (Crypt-SSLeay and Net_SSLeay).
Since I don't have web access on the target PC then I am looking for a
PPM file so I can do a local install.
I found where the plain PPMs are supposedly published:
And I downloaded the one I need:
What I expected to find therein was a file named whatever.ppm that I
could run ppm against. But the tarball contains a directory structure
that looks like this:
drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html/site
drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html
-rw-rw-rw- 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt
drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto
There is no README or anything telling me what to do with this. Is
this a PPM? Am I supposed to just unroll this somewhere on my Windows
box? Where? What is this thing?
Can anybody help a poor UNIX hack figure this out?
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 17.08.2007 11:48:32 von Ayaz Ahmed Khan
"" typed:
> What I expected to find therein was a file named whatever.ppm that I
> could run ppm against. But the tarball contains a directory structure
> that looks like this:
> [.....]
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html/site
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html
> -rw-rw-rw- 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
> SSLeay/.exists
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
> SSLeay
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto
> [.....]
> There is no README or anything telling me what to do with this. Is
> this a PPM? Am I supposed to just unroll this somewhere on my Windows
> box? Where? What is this thing?
Um ...
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
# make install
.... perhaps.
Ayaz Ahmed Khan
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 17.08.2007 12:13:49 von anno4000
Ayaz Ahmed Khan wrote in comp.lang.perl.misc:
> "" typed:
> > What I expected to find therein was a file named whatever.ppm that I
> > could run ppm against. But the tarball contains a directory structure
> > that looks like this:
> >
> > [.....]
> > drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html/site
> > drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html
> > -rw-rw-rw- 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
> > SSLeay/.exists
> > drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
> > SSLeay
> > drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt
> > drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto
> > [.....]
> >
> > There is no README or anything telling me what to do with this. Is
> > this a PPM? Am I supposed to just unroll this somewhere on my Windows
> > box? Where? What is this thing?
> Um ...
> $ perl Makefile.PL
> $ make
> # make install
> ... perhaps.
It appears that the tarball contains everything below blib/ and nothing
else. I don't know how a PPM is supposed to work, but that doesn't look
right. In any case it won't support a manual install.
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 17.08.2007 12:36:36 von Christian Winter wrote:
> I'm a UNIX hack, but I want to run Web Scraping Proxy on a Windows box
> that does not have internet access (I'm scraping local pages). So I
> installed ActivePerl. So far, so good.
> But WSP needs some old SSLeay crypto modules. ActiveState doesn't
> supply crypto modules (
> ActivePerl/PPM/Repository) but they kindly provide a link to the
> University of Winnipeg, specifically mentioning the two modules I
> require (Crypt-SSLeay and Net_SSLeay).
> Since I don't have web access on the target PC then I am looking for a
> PPM file so I can do a local install.
> I found where the plain PPMs are supposedly published:
> And I downloaded the one I need:
> What I expected to find therein was a file named whatever.ppm that I
> could run ppm against. But the tarball contains a directory structure
> that looks like this:
> [.....]
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html/site
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html
> -rw-rw-rw- 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
> SSLeay/.exists
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
> SSLeay
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt
> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto
> [.....]
> There is no README or anything telling me what to do with this. Is
> this a PPM? Am I supposed to just unroll this somewhere on my Windows
> box? Where? What is this thing?
> Can anybody help a poor UNIX hack figure this out?
The .tar.gz you downloaded is the "binary storage" for the ppm package,
holding the modules and scripts belonging to the package, but there is
no such thing as a file with a .ppm extension.
A ppm package consists of a .tar.gz file for the binaries and a .ppd
file ("Perl Package Description", proprietary XML format) with a
description of installation source, namespaces, actions and additional
So to install a module offline you usually need the .tar.gz and the
..ppd, and for most of them you get a zip archive containing those
two for offline installation.
And that's exactly where your problem begins. Normaly you could fetch
an offline version from
and be happy, but due to a number of reasons (export laws concerning
cryptography in the United States of Paranoia, to force the neccessary
disclaimer on the enduser and to follow the bundling prohobitions, and
license issues with SSLeay itself that force all binary distributions
to display credits to the authors) the Crypt::SSLeay binary module
contains an install script that fetches the two library files separately
via the web.
However, there's no restriction you can't work around:
- Download the .tar.gz file (you did that already)
- Open the install_ssl script in your browser at
and carefully read the legal disclaimer contained therein
- Download the needed libraries and copy them into the bin directory
of your target Perl installation
- Download the package description file from and save
it in the same directory as the .tar.gz, then open it in your
text editor and change it to read:
OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
Joshua Chamas <josh (at) chamas dot com>
- Open a dos-box in the directory and run "ppm install Crypt-SSLeay.ppd"
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 02:04:03 von usenet
On Aug 17, 3:36 am, Christian Winter wrote:
[what may be the clearest and best reply I have ever seen in usenet!]
Wow, Chris - thanks for the great answer! That's exactly what I
needed to know, and your clear and excellent instructions made it very
easy for me to get this done. Now that I see the solution, I'm glad I
decided to post the question here - I would have NEVER figured that
FWIW, for those who stumble upon this thread seeking the same thing -
installing the second module (Net::SSLeay) was similar but with one
gotcha. Here is the ppd file I hacked up to do it:
Perl extension for using OpenSSL
Sampo Kellomaki
(indended for usenet readability, but don't have any leading spaces on
your first line)
The gotcha was from the original XML file
The tagset in that file looks like this:
Sampo Kellomaki
(domain obfuscated as a courtesy to the author)
ppm wouldn't build (and the error message was not very instructive).
I think the '@' was the problem. Anyway, after much head-scratching
(and acting on a pure hunch) I removed the e-mail address from my .ppd
and it built just fine.
The tarball is here:
If you have already copied the two .dll files per Chris' instructions
then you need only download the tarball and hack up the .ppm file to
be able to install Net::SSLeay with ppm.
Thanks again, Chris!
OT: well-formed XML (was Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!)
am 18.08.2007 03:20:23 von Tad McClellan wrote:
> The gotcha was from the original XML file
It actually is NOT an XML file. It is not well-formed.
> The tagset in that file looks like this:
> Sampo Kellomaki
^ ^
^ ^
That breaks well-formedness. It should instead be:
Sampo Kellomaki <>
> I think the '@' was the problem.
XML cannot contain angle brackets that are not part of markup.
Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"
Re: well-formed XML (was Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!)
am 18.08.2007 04:45:15 von Petr Vileta
Tad McClellan wrote:
> wrote:
>> The gotcha was from the original XML file
> It actually is NOT an XML file. It is not well-formed.
>> The tagset in that file looks like this:
>> Sampo Kellomaki
> ^ ^
> ^ ^
> ^
> That breaks well-formedness. It should instead be:
> Sampo Kellomaki <>
>> I think the '@' was the problem.
Maybe he can use
Sampo Kellomaki <>
Petr Vileta, Czech republic
(My server rejects all messages from Yahoo and Hotmail. Send me your mail
from another non-spammer site please.)
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 05:59:34 von sln
On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 00:04:03 -0000, wrote:
No errors using RxParse 1.1. It must be valid xml !!
Perl extension for using OpenSSL
Sampo Kellomaki
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
new parse _: SCALAR ref
xmldecl_h _: version = 1.0
encoding = UTF-8
char _:
start _: SOFTPKG
VERSION = 1,30,0,0
char _:
start _: TITLE
char _:
end _: /TITLE
char _:
start _: ABSTRACT
char _: Perl extension for using OpenSSL
end _: /ABSTRACT
char _:
start _: AUTHOR
char _: Sampo Kellomaki
end _: /AUTHOR
char _:
char _:
start _: OS
NAME = MSWin32
end _: /OS
char _:
NAME = MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8
char _:
start _: CODEBASE
end _: /CODEBASE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Net::SSLeay
VERSION = 1.30
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
char _:
end _: /SOFTPKG
the code took:0.144737 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.03 CPU)
>On Aug 17, 3:36 am, Christian Winter wrote:
>[what may be the clearest and best reply I have ever seen in usenet!]
>Wow, Chris - thanks for the great answer! That's exactly what I
>needed to know, and your clear and excellent instructions made it very
>easy for me to get this done. Now that I see the solution, I'm glad I
>decided to post the question here - I would have NEVER figured that
>FWIW, for those who stumble upon this thread seeking the same thing -
>installing the second module (Net::SSLeay) was similar but with one
>gotcha. Here is the ppd file I hacked up to do it:
> Perl extension for using OpenSSL
> Sampo Kellomaki
>(indended for usenet readability, but don't have any leading spaces on
>your first line)
>The gotcha was from the original XML file
>The tagset in that file looks like this:
> Sampo Kellomaki
>(domain obfuscated as a courtesy to the author)
>ppm wouldn't build (and the error message was not very instructive).
>I think the '@' was the problem. Anyway, after much head-scratching
>(and acting on a pure hunch) I removed the e-mail address from my .ppd
>and it built just fine.
>The tarball is here:
>If you have already copied the two .dll files per Chris' instructions
>then you need only download the tarball and hack up the .ppm file to
>be able to install Net::SSLeay with ppm.
>Thanks again, Chris!
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 06:08:19 von sln
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:36:36 +0200, Christian Winter wrote:
Yeah, the xml is valid at least. From RxParse 1.1:
OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
Joshua Chamas <josh (at) chamas dot com>
new parse _: SCALAR ref
xmldecl_h _: version = 1.0
encoding = UTF-8
char _:
start _: SOFTPKG
NAME = Crypt-SSLeay
VERSION = 0,53,0,0
char _:
start _: TITLE
char _: Crypt-SSLeay
end _: /TITLE
char _:
start _: ABSTRACT
char _: OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
end _: /ABSTRACT
char _:
start _: AUTHOR
char _: Joshua Chamas
end _: /AUTHOR
char _:
char _:
start _: OS
NAME = MSWin32
end _: /OS
char _:
NAME = MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8
char _:
start _: CODEBASE
HREF = Crypt-SSLeay.tar.gz
end _: /CODEBASE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay
VERSION = 0.51
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::Conn
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::CTX
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::Err
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::MainContext
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::X509
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
VERSION = 2.77
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
char _:
end _: /SOFTPKG
the code took:0.0440998 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.03 CPU)
> wrote:
>> I'm a UNIX hack, but I want to run Web Scraping Proxy on a Windows box
>> that does not have internet access (I'm scraping local pages). So I
>> installed ActivePerl. So far, so good.
>> But WSP needs some old SSLeay crypto modules. ActiveState doesn't
>> supply crypto modules (
>> ActivePerl/PPM/Repository) but they kindly provide a link to the
>> University of Winnipeg, specifically mentioning the two modules I
>> require (Crypt-SSLeay and Net_SSLeay).
>> Since I don't have web access on the target PC then I am looking for a
>> PPM file so I can do a local install.
>> I found where the plain PPMs are supposedly published:
>> And I downloaded the one I need:
>> What I expected to find therein was a file named whatever.ppm that I
>> could run ppm against. But the tarball contains a directory structure
>> that looks like this:
>> [.....]
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html/site
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html
>> -rw-rw-rw- 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
>> SSLeay/.exists
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
>> SSLeay
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto
>> [.....]
>> There is no README or anything telling me what to do with this. Is
>> this a PPM? Am I supposed to just unroll this somewhere on my Windows
>> box? Where? What is this thing?
>> Can anybody help a poor UNIX hack figure this out?
>The .tar.gz you downloaded is the "binary storage" for the ppm package,
>holding the modules and scripts belonging to the package, but there is
>no such thing as a file with a .ppm extension.
>A ppm package consists of a .tar.gz file for the binaries and a .ppd
>file ("Perl Package Description", proprietary XML format) with a
>description of installation source, namespaces, actions and additional
>So to install a module offline you usually need the .tar.gz and the
>.ppd, and for most of them you get a zip archive containing those
>two for offline installation.
>And that's exactly where your problem begins. Normaly you could fetch
>an offline version from
>and be happy, but due to a number of reasons (export laws concerning
>cryptography in the United States of Paranoia, to force the neccessary
>disclaimer on the enduser and to follow the bundling prohobitions, and
>license issues with SSLeay itself that force all binary distributions
>to display credits to the authors) the Crypt::SSLeay binary module
>contains an install script that fetches the two library files separately
>via the web.
>However, there's no restriction you can't work around:
>- Download the .tar.gz file (you did that already)
>- Open the install_ssl script in your browser at
> and carefully read the legal disclaimer contained therein
>- Download the needed libraries and copy them into the bin directory
> of your target Perl installation
>- Download the package description file from
> and save
> it in the same directory as the .tar.gz, then open it in your
> text editor and change it to read:
> Crypt-SSLeay
> OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
> Joshua Chamas <josh (at) chamas dot com>
>- Open a dos-box in the directory and run "ppm install Crypt-SSLeay.ppd"
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 06:20:49 von sln
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:36:36 +0200, Christian Winter wrote:
I was cut and paste nuts on another post outupt. This is the real output. Its valid xml. From RxParse 1.1:
OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
Joshua Chamas <josh (at) chamas dot com>
new parse _: SCALAR ref
xmldecl_h _: version = 1.0
encoding = UTF-8
char _:
start _: SOFTPKG
NAME = Crypt-SSLeay
VERSION = 0,53,0,0
char _:
start _: TITLE
char _: Crypt-SSLeay
end _: /TITLE
char _:
start _: ABSTRACT
char _: OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
end _: /ABSTRACT
char _:
start _: AUTHOR
char _: Joshua Chamas
end _: /AUTHOR
char _:
char _:
start _: OS
NAME = MSWin32
end _: /OS
char _:
NAME = MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8
char _:
start _: CODEBASE
HREF = Crypt-SSLeay.tar.gz
end _: /CODEBASE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay
VERSION = 0.51
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::Conn
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::CTX
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::Err
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::MainContext
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Crypt::SSLeay::X509
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
VERSION = 2.77
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
char _:
end _: /SOFTPKG
the code took:0.0435388 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.05 CPU)
> wrote:
>> I'm a UNIX hack, but I want to run Web Scraping Proxy on a Windows box
>> that does not have internet access (I'm scraping local pages). So I
>> installed ActivePerl. So far, so good.
>> But WSP needs some old SSLeay crypto modules. ActiveState doesn't
>> supply crypto modules (
>> ActivePerl/PPM/Repository) but they kindly provide a link to the
>> University of Winnipeg, specifically mentioning the two modules I
>> require (Crypt-SSLeay and Net_SSLeay).
>> Since I don't have web access on the target PC then I am looking for a
>> PPM file so I can do a local install.
>> I found where the plain PPMs are supposedly published:
>> And I downloaded the one I need:
>> What I expected to find therein was a file named whatever.ppm that I
>> could run ppm against. But the tarball contains a directory structure
>> that looks like this:
>> [.....]
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html/site
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:20:22 2006 blib/html
>> -rw-rw-rw- 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
>> SSLeay/.exists
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt/
>> SSLeay
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto/Crypt
>> drwxrwxrwx 0 0 0 Dec 26 12:19:22 2006 blib/lib/auto
>> [.....]
>> There is no README or anything telling me what to do with this. Is
>> this a PPM? Am I supposed to just unroll this somewhere on my Windows
>> box? Where? What is this thing?
>> Can anybody help a poor UNIX hack figure this out?
>The .tar.gz you downloaded is the "binary storage" for the ppm package,
>holding the modules and scripts belonging to the package, but there is
>no such thing as a file with a .ppm extension.
>A ppm package consists of a .tar.gz file for the binaries and a .ppd
>file ("Perl Package Description", proprietary XML format) with a
>description of installation source, namespaces, actions and additional
>So to install a module offline you usually need the .tar.gz and the
>.ppd, and for most of them you get a zip archive containing those
>two for offline installation.
>And that's exactly where your problem begins. Normaly you could fetch
>an offline version from
>and be happy, but due to a number of reasons (export laws concerning
>cryptography in the United States of Paranoia, to force the neccessary
>disclaimer on the enduser and to follow the bundling prohobitions, and
>license issues with SSLeay itself that force all binary distributions
>to display credits to the authors) the Crypt::SSLeay binary module
>contains an install script that fetches the two library files separately
>via the web.
>However, there's no restriction you can't work around:
>- Download the .tar.gz file (you did that already)
>- Open the install_ssl script in your browser at
> and carefully read the legal disclaimer contained therein
>- Download the needed libraries and copy them into the bin directory
> of your target Perl installation
>- Download the package description file from
> and save
> it in the same directory as the .tar.gz, then open it in your
> text editor and change it to read:
> Crypt-SSLeay
> OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
> Joshua Chamas <josh (at) chamas dot com>
>- Open a dos-box in the directory and run "ppm install Crypt-SSLeay.ppd"
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 06:21:44 von Sisyphus
wrote in message
> The gotcha was from the original XML file
> The tagset in that file looks like this:
> Sampo Kellomaki
> (domain obfuscated as a courtesy to the author)
> ppm wouldn't build (and the error message was not very instructive).
> I think the '@' was the problem.
That's odd. There's lots of ppd files that do the same thing, and ppm
usually has no problem with them.
Which version of ppm ?
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 10:47:11 von usenet
On Aug 17, 9:21 pm, "Sisyphus" wrote:
> That's odd. There's lots of ppd files that do the same thing, and ppm
> usually has no problem with them.
> Which version of ppm ?
C:\perl\bin>ppm --version
ppm 4.01
Copyright (C) 2007 ActiveState Software Inc. All rights reserved.
I would also think this convention is common in ppm files. But my
process failed until I removed this nested e-mail address. Maybe it
has something to do with the difference between doing a web install vs
a local install?? I dunno - as I said, I'm a UNIX hack.
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 10:57:10 von usenet
On Aug 17, 9:20 pm, wrote:
> I was cut and paste nuts on another post outupt. This is the real output. Its valid xml. From RxParse 1.1:
> Crypt-SSLeay
> OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
> Joshua Chamas <josh (at) chamas dot com>
Yeah, that's fine, but it's not the ppd in question. That is the
first module (Crypt::SSLeay), which Chris Winter helped me with. That
XML has no problems.
But WSP requires also Net::SSLeay. My additional comments (which Tad
commented upon) concern that module and that ppd:
which is somewhat more dubious XML (per Tad's observations)
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 11:14:40 von Sisyphus
wrote in message
> On Aug 17, 9:21 pm, "Sisyphus" wrote:
>> That's odd. There's lots of ppd files that do the same thing, and ppm
>> usually has no problem with them.
> I would also think this convention is common in ppm files. But my
> process failed until I removed this nested e-mail address. Maybe it
> has something to do with the difference between doing a web install vs
> a local install??
Yes ... that's precisely what it turns out to be .... strange, but true.
ActiveState do provide zips of their ppm packages (for doing local installs)
at Windows/
Looking at the ppd files that ship with those zips we find that the "<" and
">" that normally surround the email address are replaced with "(" and ")"
respectively. And that works fine. Switch back to the angle brackets and the
'ppm install' fails.
But for web installs there's no problem with the angle brackets.
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 11:22:06 von usenet
On Aug 18, 2:14 am, "Sisyphus" wrote:
> Looking at the ppd files that ship with those zips we find that the "<" and
> ">" that normally surround the email address are replaced with "(" and ")"
> respectively. And that works fine. Switch back to the angle brackets and the
> 'ppm install' fails.
> But for web installs there's no problem with the angle brackets.
Hmmm. If I were one of those smug, stuck-up UNIX hack types then I
would make some smug comment here about Perl and Windows. But I admit
that I also tried to build these modules on AIX and had many problems
(crypto modules are always tricky on AIX) so I cannot, in good
conscience, be smug here, even if I were the smug type. It works in
Windows now, but I could not get it to work at all with conventional
builds on AIX. So, although I had some problems, it works in Windows
but not in AIX. Score one for Windows in this situation.
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 18.08.2007 17:51:42 von Sisyphus
wrote in message .
> Hmmm. If I were one of those smug, stuck-up UNIX hack types then I
> would make some smug comment here about Perl and Windows.
Heh ... you missed out on *one* adjective. Following "stuck-up", you should
have written "and anachronistic" :-)
It's actually fairly trivial to build most things from *source* on Windows
these days (using free tools).
Libraries like openssl are readily buildable using the (freely available)
MinGW port of gcc in the (freely available) MSYS shell. And the crypto
modules are just as easily built from source (in the cmd.exe shell) using
the aforementioned MinGW port of gcc (even with ActivePerl).
These days, PPM is more a "convenience", rather than a "necessity".
Then ... along came fucking Windows Vista ... which breaks MinGW, breaks
MSYS, and makes a total mockery of what I've just written :-)
There are patched versions of gcc.exe and g++.exe available for the MinGW
port of gcc-3.4.5 that work with Vista, but, afaik, there's still no
properly functioning version of the MSYS shell for Vista. As I understand
it, if you've got Windows Vista, and you want to build openssl for MinGW
from source, then you would have to do it from Cygwin as a cross-compilation
for MinGW. And then, to link against that library, as is the case when you
build the Perl crypto libraries, you'll need the patched version of gcc.exe.
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 21.08.2007 02:30:58 von Bart Lateur wrote:
>It appears that the tarball contains everything below blib/ and nothing
>else. I don't know how a PPM is supposed to work, but that doesn't look
>right. In any case it won't support a manual install.
Look at what else is in the PPD file, at
HREF="" >install_ssl
It points to a Perl script that needs to be executed at install time.
It searches for the library on your local computer first, and if not
found, downloads it from the repository..
Re: Gaa! UNIX hack tries PPM and fails!
am 22.08.2007 03:26:01 von sln
On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 08:57:10 -0000, wrote:
>On Aug 17, 9:20 pm, wrote:
>> I was cut and paste nuts on another post outupt. This is the real output. Its valid xml. From RxParse 1.1:
>> Crypt-SSLeay
>> OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
>> Joshua Chamas <josh (at) chamas dot com>
>Yeah, that's fine, but it's not the ppd in question. That is the
>first module (Crypt::SSLeay), which Chris Winter helped me with. That
>XML has no problems.
>But WSP requires also Net::SSLeay. My additional comments (which Tad
>commented upon) concern that module and that ppd:
>which is somewhat more dubious XML (per Tad's observations)
Oh ok, apparetly it works now though. So what was the problem?
Perl extension for using OpenSSL
Sampo Kellomaki <>
C:\>perl ""
new parse _: SCALAR ref ""
xmldecl_h _: version = 1.0
encoding = UTF-8
char _:
start _: SOFTPKG
VERSION = 1,30,0,0
char _:
start _: TITLE
char _:
end _: /TITLE
char _:
start _: ABSTRACT
char _: Perl extension for using OpenSSL
end _: /ABSTRACT
char _:
start _: AUTHOR
char _: Sampo Kellomaki
end _: /AUTHOR
char _:
char _:
start _: OS
NAME = MSWin32
end _: /OS
char _:
NAME = MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8
char _:
start _: CODEBASE
end _: /CODEBASE
char _:
start _: INSTALL
char _: install_ssl
end _: /INSTALL
char _:
start _: PROVIDE
NAME = Net::SSLeay
VERSION = 1.30
end _: /PROVIDE
char _:
char _:
end _: /SOFTPKG
the code took:0.12418 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.03 CPU)