Rename Perl Process

Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 15:41:14 von Wolfgang Hennerbichler

Hi perl-people.

I have a process that forks itself by closing the STD[IN|OUT|ERR]
Filehandles, and killing the parent.
This somehow works like this:

close STDIN or die "Can't close STDIN: $!";
close STDERR or die "Can't close STDERR: $!";
close STDOUT or die "Can't close STDOUT: $!";
my $pid=fork();
if ($pid) {
&error ("can't fork: $!") if not defined $pid;
setsid() or die "Can't start a new Session: $!";

Well, that's cool. Unfortunately this process has a lot of forking to
do, and therefore it would be great (especially for monitoring
reasons) if I could rename the daemons (so that they appear with
different names when I do a 'ps auxc' for example) that fork off. The
OS is Linux 2.6, and I can't find much information about that on the
web. Could you please advise?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 15:57:52 von jurgenex

Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote:
> do, and therefore it would be great (especially for monitoring
> reasons) if I could rename the daemons (so that they appear with
> different names when I do a 'ps auxc' for example) that fork off.

'perldoc perlvar' and look out for $0


Re: Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 16:03:12 von merlyn

>>>>> "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang Hennerbichler writes:

Wolfgang> Well, that's cool. Unfortunately this process has a lot of forking to
Wolfgang> do, and therefore it would be great (especially for monitoring
Wolfgang> reasons) if I could rename the daemons (so that they appear with
Wolfgang> different names when I do a 'ps auxc' for example) that fork off. The
Wolfgang> OS is Linux 2.6, and I can't find much information about that on the
Wolfgang> web. Could you please advise?

"perldoc perlvar"

$0 Contains the name of the program being executed.

On some (read: not all) operating systems assigning to $0
modifies the argument area that the "ps" program sees. On some
platforms you may have to use special "ps" options or a
different "ps" to see the changes. Modifying the $0 is more
useful as a way of indicating the current program state than it
is for hiding the program you're running. (Mnemonic: same as sh
and ksh.)

print "Just another Perl hacker,"; # the original

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095

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Re: Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 16:06:33 von Christian Winter

Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote:
> I have a process that forks itself by closing the STD[IN|OUT|ERR]
> Filehandles, and killing the parent.
> This somehow works like this:
> close STDIN or die "Can't close STDIN: $!";
> close STDERR or die "Can't close STDERR: $!";
> close STDOUT or die "Can't close STDOUT: $!";
> my $pid=fork();
> if ($pid) {
> exit;
> }
> &error ("can't fork: $!") if not defined $pid;
> setsid() or die "Can't start a new Session: $!";
> Well, that's cool. Unfortunately this process has a lot of forking to
> do, and therefore it would be great (especially for monitoring
> reasons) if I could rename the daemons (so that they appear with
> different names when I do a 'ps auxc' for example) that fork off. The
> OS is Linux 2.6, and I can't find much information about that on the
> web. Could you please advise?

No need to look too far, the answer is in "perldoc perlvar":
Assigning to $0 ($PROGRAM_NAME if "use English;" is in effect) changes
the name that appears in the output of ps.


Re: Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 16:34:44 von JT

Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote:
> I have a process that forks itself by closing the STD[IN|OUT|ERR]
> Filehandles, and killing the parent.
> This somehow works like this:

> close STDIN or die "Can't close STDIN: $!";
> close STDERR or die "Can't close STDERR: $!";
> close STDOUT or die "Can't close STDOUT: $!";

Do you realize that the error message from die can't make it
out anymore since you already closed STDERR?

> my $pid=fork();
> if ($pid) {
> exit;
> }
> &error ("can't fork: $!") if not defined $pid;
> setsid() or die "Can't start a new Session: $!";

And those error messages also will never appear anywhere since
neither STDOUT nor STDERR are open anymore.

BTW, it looks a bit as if you want to create a daemon, and
the usual way to create one is forking twice (always letting
the parent process exit) and setting a new session in between
the two forks. Moreover, since the setsid() call will make the
process lose its controlling terminal you don't have to expli-
citely close STD(IN|OUT|ERR).

> Well, that's cool. Unfortunately this process has a lot of forking to
> do, and therefore it would be great (especially for monitoring
> reasons) if I could rename the daemons (so that they appear with
> different names when I do a 'ps auxc' for example) that fork off. The
> OS is Linux 2.6, and I can't find much information about that on the
> web. Could you please advise?

It's can't be done via fork() which just (nearly) duplicates your
process. But what you can try is to assign a new value to $0 before
you fork(). I don't think it's guaranteed to work on all UNIX systems
but it seems to work on Linux.
Regards, Jens
\ Jens Thoms Toerring ___

Re: Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 16:55:28 von xhoster (Jens Thoms Toerring) wrote:
> Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote:
> > I have a process that forks itself by closing the STD[IN|OUT|ERR]
> > Filehandles, and killing the parent.
> > This somehow works like this:
> > close STDIN or die "Can't close STDIN: $!";
> > close STDERR or die "Can't close STDERR: $!";
> > close STDOUT or die "Can't close STDOUT: $!";
> Do you realize that the error message from die can't make it
> out anymore since you already closed STDERR?

Unless the close of STDERR itself failed.

> > my $pid=fork();
> > if ($pid) {
> > exit;
> > }
> > &error ("can't fork: $!") if not defined $pid;
> > setsid() or die "Can't start a new Session: $!";
> And those error messages also will never appear anywhere since
> neither STDOUT nor STDERR are open anymore.

It is easy enough to comment out the close for testing purposes. Why
make it harder by having to comment out the close, then hunt for all the
places that should have had warnings but didn't and add them in?

> BTW, it looks a bit as if you want to create a daemon, and
> the usual way to create one is forking twice (always letting
> the parent process exit) and setting a new session in between
> the two forks. Moreover, since the setsid() call will make the
> process lose its controlling terminal you don't have to expli-
> citely close STD(IN|OUT|ERR).

That does not appear to be the case.

perl -wle 'use POSIX; fork and exit; POSIX::setsid(); fork and exit; print
"foo"; warn "bar"'

Both print and warning show up fine.


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Re: Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 17:04:32 von JT wrote:
> (Jens Thoms Toerring) wrote:
> > Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote:
> > > I have a process that forks itself by closing the STD[IN|OUT|ERR]
> > > Filehandles, and killing the parent.
> > > This somehow works like this:
> >
> > > close STDIN or die "Can't close STDIN: $!";
> > > close STDERR or die "Can't close STDERR: $!";
> > > close STDOUT or die "Can't close STDOUT: $!";
> >
> > Do you realize that the error message from die can't make it
> > out anymore since you already closed STDERR?

> Unless the close of STDERR itself failed.

Well, in that case the program should have died;-)

> > BTW, it looks a bit as if you want to create a daemon, and
> > the usual way to create one is forking twice (always letting
> > the parent process exit) and setting a new session in between
> > the two forks. Moreover, since the setsid() call will make the
> > process lose its controlling terminal you don't have to expli-
> > citely close STD(IN|OUT|ERR).

> That does not appear to be the case.

> perl -wle 'use POSIX; fork and exit; POSIX::setsid(); fork and exit; print
> "foo"; warn "bar"'

> Both print and warning show up fine.

Sorry, you're right. I mis-remembered that they would go away
together with the controlling terminal and didn't double-check.

Regards, Jens
\ Jens Thoms Toerring ___

Re: Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 20:26:30 von Wolfgang Hennerbichler

On Aug 17, 4:34 pm, (Jens Thoms Toerring) wrote:

> And those error messages also will never appear anywhere since
> neither STDOUT nor STDERR are open anymore.

Well, I didn't really show you how my real program looks like. There's
also this section:

141 if (defined ($options{l}) and not defined $options{d}) {
142 open (STDERR, ">>$options{l}");
143 STDERR->autoflush(1);
144 }

that recreates the STDERR filehandle and sends it to the destination
of the logfile. So don't worry, my error messages are in a safe
place :)

> BTW, it looks a bit as if you want to create a daemon, and
> the usual way to create one is forking twice (always letting
> the parent process exit).

Why? You might be right, but I don't know the reason for the double-
fork, it works perfectly with the single-fork here.

> It's can't be done via fork() which just (nearly) duplicates your
> process. But what you can try is to assign a new value to $0 before
> you fork(). I don't think it's guaranteed to work on all UNIX systems
> but it seems to work on Linux.

It's a linux-only program (it is actually a daemon that collects sflow
data on an internet exchange and it's gotten so important (and big) by
now that I need to identify the different daemons that are dealing
with the sflow data).

thanks folks.

Re: Rename Perl Process

am 17.08.2007 23:36:17 von JT

Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote:
> On Aug 17, 4:34 pm, (Jens Thoms Toerring) wrote:

> > And those error messages also will never appear anywhere since
> > neither STDOUT nor STDERR are open anymore.

> Well, I didn't really show you how my real program looks like. There's
> also this section:

> 141 if (defined ($options{l}) and not defined $options{d}) {
> 142 open (STDERR, ">>$options{l}");
> 143 STDERR->autoflush(1);
> 144 }

> that recreates the STDERR filehandle and sends it to the destination
> of the logfile. So don't worry, my error messages are in a safe
> place :)

I won't;-)

> > BTW, it looks a bit as if you want to create a daemon, and
> > the usual way to create one is forking twice (always letting
> > the parent process exit).

> Why? You might be right, but I don't know the reason for the double-
> fork, it works perfectly with the single-fork here.

It seems to be the case under Linux, but there seem to be some
other (probably mostly legacy) systems where a single fork()
isn't enough to get rid of the controlling terminal (and where
the daemonthus could be killed when the terminal is closed).
To avoid such problems a double fork() traditionally has done.
But when you're only running this on Linux where the process
group ID differs from the process ID anyway you can forget
about it and just fork() once.
Regards, Jens
\ Jens Thoms Toerring ___

Re: Rename Perl Process

am 24.08.2007 08:23:35 von Wolfgang Hennerbichler

On Aug 17, 11:36 pm, (Jens Thoms Toerring) wrote:

> It seems to be the case under Linux, but there seem to be some
> other (probably mostly legacy) systems where a single fork()
> isn't enough to get rid of the controlling terminal (and where
> the daemonthus could be killed when the terminal is closed).
> To avoid such problems a double fork() traditionally has done.
> But when you're only running this on Linux where the process
> group ID differs from the process ID anyway you can forget
> about it and just fork() once.

Didn't know about that. Thanks a lot for that information, I'll stick
to it.


> Regards, Jens
> --
> \ Jens Thoms Toerring ___
> \__________________________